Trending Questions
Which of the following statements about MHC are correct?
It is a group of proteins called the Major Histocompatibility Complex
It helps the T cells in self non-self recognition
It is present on both healthy cells and infected cells
It is present only on some cells of the body
- Chorion
- Corona radiata
- Vitelline membrane
- Zona pellucida
- Histiocytes
- Mast Cells
- Fibroblasts
- Plasma cells
What are the cytopathic effects of virus infections?
Major Histocompatibility Complex or MHC is present on each and every cell of the body
Which of the following statements about MHC is correct.
It is a group of proteins called the Major Histocompatibility Complex
It helps the T cells in self non-self recognition
It is present on both healthy cells and infected cells
It is present only on some cells of the body
- Both IgG and IgM
- Both IgG and IgD
- Both IgM and IgE
- Both IgM and IgD
State whether true or false:
Virus infected cells also use the MHC for displaying their peptides.
Choose the correct statement.
T cells recognize antigens presented along with MHC
T cells recognize antigens bound with antibodies
All of the above are correct
T cells recognize antigens alone
- Causes complete bursting of the infected bacterial cell after the latent period
- Does not cause bursting of the infected bacterial cell after the latent period
- Does not cause the death of the infected bacterial cell but continues to exit there and this cell divides almost like a normal cell
- Does not cause the death of the infected bacterial cell but the infected cell ceases to divide
Virus infected cells also use the MHC for displaying their peptides.
- Adsorption
- Assimilation
- Lysogeny
- Viral stability
Choose the correct statement.
T cells recognise antigens alone
T cells recognise antigens presented along with MHC
T cells recognise antigens bound with antibodies
All of the above are correct
- Epitopes
- Antigen determinants
- Paratopes
- Both A and B
These viruses were then allowed to infect bacteria in normal growth medium. Viruses produced during the lytic cycle were sampled for radioactivity.
What parts of the virus should show radioactivity?
- Only the proteins
- Only the nucleic acids
- Both the protein and the nucleic acids
- Neither the proteins nor the nucleic acids
- Temperate phage
- Phycophages
- Sexduction
- Virulent phage
- a macrophage
- a B-cell
- all of these
- complement
- Mycoplasma
- Virus
- Rickettsia
- Spirochaete
Choose the correct statement.
T cells recognize antigens alone
All of the above are correct
T cells recognize antigens bound with antibodies
T cells recognize antigens presented along with MHC
State whether true or false:
Virus infected cells also use the MHC for displaying their peptides.
- Collagen
- Glutelin/Globulin
- Haemoglobin
- Keratin
State whether true or false:
Major Histocompatibility Complex or MHC is present on every individual cell of the body.
Choose the correct statement.
T cells recognise antigens alone
T cells recognise antigens presented along with MHC
T cells recognise antigens bound with antibodies
All of the above are correct
- Epitopes
- Memory regions
- Nondeterminants
- Self limitation
Which of the following statements about MHC are correct?
It is a group of proteins called the Major Histocompatibility Complex
It helps the T cells in self, non-self recognition
It is present on both healthy cells and infected cells
It is present only on some cells of the body
State whether true or false:
Major Histocompatibility Complex or MHC is present on every individual cell of the body.
Which of the following statements about MHC are correct?
It is a group of proteins called the Major Histocompatibility Complex
It helps the T cells in self, non-self recognition
It is present on both healthy cells and infected cells
It is present only on some cells of the body