Nutrition in Protists
Trending Questions
11.Name two diseases caused by protozoans. What are their causal organisms ?
Q. What are protozoa?
Q. Yeast is not included in protozoans but in fungi because :
- It has eukaryotic organization
- Cell wall is made up of cellulose and reserve food materials as starch
- It has chlorophyll
- It shows saprotrophic mode of nutrition
Is plankton a Chrysophytes?
Why do protists need contractile vacuoles?
Q. Which of the following organisms possess flagella?
- Amoeba
- Trypanosoma
- Paramecium
- Acineta
Q. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
- Amoeba – Protozoa
- Anabaena – Cyanobacteria
- Noctiluca – Dinoflagellates
- Albugo – Chrysophytes
Commercial bath sponges are called?
Q. Presence of flagellated protozoans in the gut of the termites are example of
- symbiosis
- parasitism
- antibiosis
- commensalism
Q. Which of the following is not a character of Protista?
- Protists are prokaryotic organisms.
- Some protists have cell wall.
- Mode of nutrition is both autotrophic and heterotrophic.
- Membrane bound organelles are present in cells.
Q. Bacteria do not have chloroplast but some bacteria are photoautotrophic in nature and perform photosynthesis. Which part of bacterial cell performs this?
- Small vesicles associated with plasma membrane
- Mitochondria
- Ribosomes
- None of the above
Q. Read the following statements (I - III) and select the correct option stating true (T) or false (F).
I. Arachaebacteria show biochemical adaptations to grow in hot springs.
II. People inhabiting places at higher altitudes have lesser availability of oxygen compared to the ones living in the plains.
III. Sunken stomata are mainly seen in aquatic plants.
I. Arachaebacteria show biochemical adaptations to grow in hot springs.
II. People inhabiting places at higher altitudes have lesser availability of oxygen compared to the ones living in the plains.
III. Sunken stomata are mainly seen in aquatic plants.
- I - T, II - T, III - F
- I - T, II - F, III - F
- I - F, II - T, III - T
- I - F, II - F, III - T
Q. Name the kingdoms to which bacteria and Amoeba belongs respectively.
Name a flagellated protozoan?
Differentiate between Monera and Protista.
Q. When a freshwater protozoan possessing a contractile vacuole is placed in a glass containing marine water, the vacuole will
- ayes
- reptiles
- amphibians
- mammals
Q. Name of sea fan
Write one feature differentiating between algae and bryophytes.
Q. Which of the following is not matched correctly.
(a) | Anabaena | - | Cyanobacteria |
(b) | Amoeba | - | Protozoa |
(c) | Gonyaulax | - | Dinofiagellates |
(d) | Thermoaddophils | - | Archaebaderia |
(e) | Albugo | - | Chrysophytes |
- a
- b
- c
- d
- e
Q. Most abundant bacteria are A) Chemosynthetic bacteria B) Heterotrophic bacteria C) Heterotrophic decomposers D) Archaebacteria
Q. Protozoan protists are differentiated on the basis of
- Nuclei
- Shape
- Size
- Locomotory structures
Which of the following is not a character of Protista?
Protists are prokaryotic
Some Protists have cell walls
Mode of nutrition is both autotrophic and heterotrophic
Body organization is cellular
Q. Name some diseases caused by protozoa.
Sporangium of acellular slime moulds is characterized by
presence of covering
Both (b) and (c)
absence of covering
Q. Euglena is said to be a link between
- plants and protists
- animals and protists
- plants and fungi
- plants and animals
Q. Which one of the following does not belong to monera?
- Slime moulds
- Mycoplasma
- Eubacteria
- Archaebacteria
Q. Oriental sore is caused by
- Protozoan
- Fungus
- Bacterium
- Virus
Q. Photosynthetic protists belong to
- Bacillariophyceae and euglenophyceae
- Zooflagellates
- Bacillariophyceae
- Bacillariophyceae, euglenophyceae and dinophyceae
Q. Planktons are organisms which
- Float on water surface
- Are deep sea forms
- Are free swimmers
- Are burrowing forms
WIll diatoms kill corals?