Trending Questions
What is the nature of cell walls in diatoms?
What are compression fossils?
Holdfast, stipe and frond constitutes the plant body in case of
(a) Rhodophyceae (b) Chlorophyceae
(c) Phaeophyceae (d) All of these
Food is stored as floridean starch in Rhodophyceae. Mannitol is the reserve food material of which group of algae?
Who are the sole members of the kingdom Monera?
Brown colour of phaeophyceae is due to the high concentration of a pigment called -
Are bryophytes asexual?
What is the cell wall of diatoms called?
- stipe
- holdfast
- frond
- roots
Why are chrysophytes called golden algae?
- Ectocarpus, Chlorella, Gracilaria
- Porphyra, Gelidium, Chara
- Ectocarpus, Dictyota, Fucus
- Laminaria, Fucus, Volvox
- Chlamydomonas
- volvox
- spirogyra
- eudorina
- Gametes are invariably haploid
- Spores are invariably haploid
- Gametes are generally haploid
- Both spores and gametes are invariably haploid.
Cell wall of fungi is composed of______.
- floridean starch
- laminarin
- both b and c
- glycogen
Ornithine cycle is related with:
- Hetrogametes
- Homogametes
- Antherozoids
- Archegonia
What is the cell wall composition of members belonging to class phaeophyceae?
Why is it called Floridean Starch?
A. Floridean starch
B. Sulphated phycocolloids in cell wall
C. Alginic acid
D. Trumpet hypha
E. Haplo-diplontic life cycle
F. Isomorphic alternation of generation
G. Fucoxanthin
H. Phycoerythrin
I. Zygotic meiosis
Which of the given set of characters belongs to Laminaria?
- A, B, E, F, H
- C, D, E, F, G, I
- B, C, D, E, F, G, I
- C, D, E, G
In five kingdom classification, blue green algae are included under Monera along with bacteria because
they are prokaryotic
they are unicellular and microscopic
they are photosynthetic
all of the above
What are the members of Rhodophyceae commonly called?
- Porphyra
- Polysiphonia
- Gracilaria
- Kelps
- Chl a, d and violaxanthin
- Chl a, c and fucoxanthin
- None of these
- γ carotene and phycocyanin
What is the scientific name for red algae?
- are chemoorganotrophic heterotrophs.
- have unicellular and multi-cellular forms.
- are prokaryotes.
- are eukaryotes.
- free central
- axile
- parietal
- marginal
Column I | Column II |
(Class) | (Stored food material) |
a.Chlorophyceae | i.Floridean starch |
b.Phaeophyceae | ii.Starch |
c.Rhodophyceae | iii.Laminarin and mannitol |
- a−i, b−ii, c−iii
- a−ii, b−iii, c−i
- a−i, b−iii, c−ii
- a−ii, b−i, c−iii
What is the common name of Chrysophyta?
Does Gracilaria come under class Chlorophyceae?