Pollen Pistil Interaction
Trending Questions
Briefly explain the structure of pollen grains.
- pollen deposition on the stigma until pollen tube enters the ovule.
- pollen deposition on stigma until the germination of pollen grains.
- pollen deposition on the stigma until the growth of pollen tube starts.
- pollen deposition on the stigma until male gamete fuses with the egg cell.
Mention the peculiar features of the following
1) Anemophilous flower
2)Hydrophilous flower
Name an event that is unique to angiosperms?
In some plants, the anthers and stigma grow and mature at the same time. This phenomenon is called
- Hofmeister
- Strasburger
- Nawaschin
- Amici
- Nucellus
- Embryo sac
- Pollen grain
- Micropyle
Pollen–pistil interaction
Triple fertilisation
- Water
- Insects
- Animals
- Wind
Cell/ cells present in a mature pollen grain is/are
Vegetative cell
Generative cell
Both A and B
Antipodal cells
- vegetative cell is not damaged
- contents of killed generative cell stimulate pollen growth
- laser beam stimulates growth of pollen tube
- the region of emergence of pollen tube is not harmed.
Is it possible to store pollen grains?
- Flower colour of Camellia
- Flower colour of snapdragon
- Flower colour in Mirabilis jalapa
- Fruit colour of eggplant (brinjal)
Pollen Grains Can Be Stored For Several Years
- True
- False
- The generative cell divides and forms the two male gametes.
- If the female parent produces unisexual flowers, then there is no need for emasculation for artificial hybridisation.
- The ability of the pistil to recognise the pollen followed by its acceptance or rejection is the result of a continuous dialogue between pollen grain and the egg cell.
- One of the male gametes moves towards the egg cell and fuses with its nucleus thus completing the syngamy.
- Anther wall
- Ovary wall
- Male gametophyte
- Female gametophyte
Three out breeding devices
- Heterostyly
- Herkogamy
- Dichogamy
- Dicliny
Pls tell me about nectar in flowers.in detail...
Assuming that the plants were otherwise similar in all other characters, predict the phenotype of the offspring of the F1 generation.
- Inflated pod shape
- Constricted pod shape
- Both inflated and constricted pod shape
- Difficult to predict the phenotype of the progeny
- antigens
- proteins
- nucleoproteins
- lipids
The ovary of the flower develops into a .........
- Filament are made up of silk
- Filament are slippery to touch.
- Filaments are very bright.
- Filament makes the pond slippery.
The acceptance or rejection of pollen is based on the biochemical interaction between the components of the pollen wall and pistil head.
even though each pollen grain has 2 male gametes , y r at least 10 pollen grains and not 5 pollen grains reqd 2 fertilise 10 ovules present in a particular carpel?
Pollen-pistil interaction involves
Pollen deposition on stigma
Rejection or acceptance of pollen by stigma
Entry of pollen tube into ovule
All of these
What is the cell:nuclei ratio in the given image of a germinating pollen?