Red Muscle Fibre
Trending Questions
Smooth muscles are______.
Voluntary, multinucleate, cylindrical
Involuntary, cylindrical, multinucleate
Voluntary, branched, uninucleate
Involuntary, spindle shaped, uninucleated, tapering
- homogenous dimer
- homogenous tetramer
- heterogenous dimer
- heterogenous tetramer
Match the following and select the correct option.
Column – I Column – ll
A. Fast muscle fibers (i) Myoglobin
B. Slow muscle fibers (ii) Lactic acid
C. Actin filament (iii) Contractile unit
D. Sarcomere (iv) l-band
A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iii), D-(iv)
A-(i) B-(ii), C-(iv), D-(iii)
A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(iii)
A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(iv), D-(i)
I. I-band shortens
II. A-band shortens
III. H-zone shortens
IV. Sarcomere contract
V. ATP changes to ADP and Pi
Choose the option with incorrect events.
- Only I
- Only III
- IV and V
- Only II
What are red fibres?
Match the following columns.
Column I Column IIA. Fast muscle fibres1. MyoglobinB. Slow muscle fibres2. Lactic acidC. Actin filament3. Contractile unitD. Sarcomere4. I−band
(a) 1 2 4 3
(b) 2 1 3 4
(c) 2 1 4 3
(d) 3 2 4 1
Myoglobin is
i.An iron- and oxygen-binding protein
ii. found mainly in muscle tissue.
iii. same as hemoglobin
iv. Myoglobin is a monomeric heme
only ii) is correct.
only i) and ii) are correct.
only i) and iii) are correct.
all statements are correct.
1) Striated Musclei. Thick filament2) Red Muscleii. Thin filament3) Troponiniii. Voluntary4) Myosiniv. Myoglobin
- 1-ii, 2-iv, 3-i, 4-iii
- 1-iii, 2-iv, 3-ii, 4-i
- 1-iv, 2-iii, 3-i, 4-ii
- 1-iii, 2-iv, 3-i, 4-ii
Slow twitch fibers have
Small diameter
Burst of power
More myoglobin
Fewer mitochondria
- actinin
- troponin
- myosin
- actin
- They are also called aerobic muscles
- High number of sarcoplasmic reticulum
- Contains red, oxygen storing pigment
- Large number of mitochondria
- Haemoglobin
- Haematin
- Haematochrome
- Erythrocyanin
a. Skeletal muscles
b. Smooth muscles
c. cardiac muscles
- a and c only
- b and c only
- a only
- b only
Myoglobin is
i.An iron- and oxygen-binding protein
ii. found mainly in muscle tissue.
iii. same as hemoglobin
iv. Myoglobin is a monomeric heme
only ii) is correct.
i) and ii) are correct.
i), ii) and iv) are correct.
all statements are correct.
H-zone of striated muscle fibre represents both thick and thin filaments.
- True
- False
Lance Armstrong is a seven-time winner of Tour de France, which is a bicycle race that covers between 3500 to 4000 kilometers. What type of muscle fiber probably predominates in the legs of bicyclists, who compete in this annual event?
Red fibers
White fibers
Intermediate fibers
Inelastic fibers
- Contains red, oxygen storing pigment
- Large number of mitochondria
- They are also called aerobic muscles
- High number of sarcoplasmic reticulum
Cross bridges pull the actin chain as the myosin heads return to their unenergized conformation.
- True
- False
- Fe
- Cu
- Mn
- Mg
- 90% of biomass
- 40% of biomass
- 50% of biomass
- 34% of biomass
- A nucleus
- No nucleus
- More than one nucleus
- None of the above
- all muscle fibres
- white muscle fibres
- red muscle fibres
- none of these
Lance Armstrong is a seven-time winner of Tour de France, which is a bicycle race that covers between 3500 to 4000 kilometers. What type of muscle fiber probably predominates in the legs of bicyclists, who compete in this annual event?
Red fibers
Inelastic fibers
Intermediate fibers
White fibers
- All of the above
- Actin
- Tropomyosin
- Myosin
The cell signaling mechanism begins when NO diffuses into the smooth muscle cells of the blood vessel and activates guanylate cyclase which, in turn, stimulates the guanylate cyclase to generate cyclic GMP (guanosine monophosphate) from guanosine triphosphate (GTP). Protein Kinase G phosphorylates several proteins that regulate calcium concentrations and, in this case, causes alterations in thin and thick muscle filaments that results in smooth muscle relaxation. This signaling mechanism is illustrated below:
Research published by Gustafsson, Persson, and Moncada (1990) found that Nitric oxide production in the lungs decreases immediately under acute hypoxia (low oxygen), which causes the pulmonary blood vessels to constrict. This, in turn, limits oxygen delivery to the lungs, heart, red blood cells and mitochondria. A study published in the journal Nature (Beall, Laskowski, Strohl, Soria, Villena, Vargas, Alarcon, Gonzales & Erzurum, 2001) examined chronically hypoxic, high altitude populations of Tibetans and Bolivian Aymara, two countries almost halfway across the world from one other, and found that exhaled levels of nitric oxide were unusually high relative to a low-altitude reference sample from the United States.
Identify the independent variable and the dependent variable in the Nature study described above. Also, identify what a likely control might be.

- The independent variable is altitude and the dependent variable is nitric oxide levels in lungs. The control is the sea-level altitude populations from regions nearest to each of the two populations in the study.
- The independent variable is nitric oxide levels in lungs and the dependent variable is altitude. The control is sea-level altitude populations from regions nearest to each of the two populations in the study
- The independent variable is nitric oxide levels in lungs and the dependent variable is the low-altitude population from the United States. The control is high-altitude populations.
- The independent variable is low-altitude populations from the United States and the dependent variable is nitric oxide levels in lungs. The control is high-altitude populations.
- Haemocyanin
- Sodium ions
- Haemoglobin
- Haemoerythrin
- Glucose
- Creatine phosphate