Sex Ratio
Trending Questions
Q. Which among the following are attributes of a population?
i. Birth
ii. Death
iii. Birth rate
iv. Death rate
v. Sex or gender
vi. Sex ratio
i. Birth
ii. Death
iii. Birth rate
iv. Death rate
v. Sex or gender
vi. Sex ratio
- i, ii, iii and iv
- v and vi
- i, ii and v
- iii, iv and vi
Q. The ratio constant for a species is
- T + C/G + A
- A + G/C + T
- A + C/T + G
- G + C/A + T
18. List any three important charcteristics of a population and explain.
Q. Which of the given attributes is seen in an individual organism not in a population?
- Birth
- Immigration
- Sex ratio
- Death rate
Q. Which among the following conditions can not be considered under MTP act, 1971 to terminate a conceived pregnancy?
- If the pregnancy would be harmful to the life of the mother
- If there is a strong chance that the child suffers from physical or mental abnormalities
- If the sex of the child is not the desired one
- if pregnancy is a result of sexual assault or rape
Q. Answer the following question in about 50-60 words:
(a) What are the causes of low Sex Ratio in india?
(a) What are the causes of low Sex Ratio in india?
Q. A biologist studied the population of rats in a barn. He found that in a year the number of rats increases to 250 from an initial population of 200. What is the birth rate for the given population?
- 0.20
- 0.50
- 0.25
- 1.25
Q. A population has more of younger individuals compared to the older individuals. What would be the status of the population after some years?
- It will decline
- It will stabilize
- It will increase
- It will first decline and then stabilize
Q. As per the Census of 2011, India's Sex Ratio stands at _____ females per 1000 males.
- 933
- 940
- 1084
- 877
Q. Population ‘X’ has 700 males and 300 females. Population ‘Y’ has 250 males and 220 females. Calculate the sex ratio for the populations, ‘X’ and ‘Y’ and select the correct option.
- Population ‘X’ approximately has 233 males per 100 females
- Population ‘X’ approximately has 233 females per 100 males
- Both a and c are correct
- Population ‘Y’ approximately has 113 males per 100 females
Q. Assertion :A population growing in a habitat with limited resources shows shows initially a lag phase, followed by phase of acceleration and deceleration and finally as asymptote, when the population density reaches the carrying capacity. Reason: In Verhulst-Pearl Logistic growth, plot of N (population density) at time (t) results in a sigmoid curve.
- Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion
- Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the correct explanation for Assertion
- Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
- Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
Q. Population ‘X’ has 700 males and 300 females. Population ‘Y’ has 250 males and 220 females. Calculate the sex ratio for the populations, ‘X’ and ‘Y’ and select the correct option.
- Population ‘X’ approximately has 233 males per 100 females
- Population ‘X’ approximately has 233 females per 100 males
- Population ‘Y’ approximately has 113 males per 100 females
- Both a and c are correct
Q. Which of the following is not an attribute of a population?
- Sex ratio
- Birth of an individual
- Natality
- Death rate
Q. Amniocentesis is banned in India because:
- It is not cost effective
- It is used for prenatal sex determination
- It is helpful in detecting the genetic disorders
- It is an invasive procedure and increases risk of abortions
Q. According to 2011 census the number of females per thousand males is ______________.
- 950
- 943
- 940
- 942
Q. Which of the following states/union territories has the lowest sex ration in India?
- Haryana
- Delhi
- Puducherry
- Kerala
According to 2011 census, the sex ratio of India is 943. What does 943 indicate?
- None
- Could be A or B
- Number of females per 1000 males
- Number of males per 1000 females
Child sex ratio is taken for the children falling under the age group of _____.
- 1-5 years
- 0-6 years
- 2-6 years
- 0-5 years
Q. The number of females per thousand males is:
- Female ratio
- Male ratio
- Population ratio
- Sex ratio
Q. A population has more of younger individuals compared to the older individuals. What would be the status of the population after some years?
- It will decline
- It will stabilize
- It will increase
- It will first decline and then stabilize
Q. In a population of rabbits, Npp and Nqq are the number of individuals having short and floppy ears respectively, and Npq is the number of heterozygous individuals. Calculate the allelic frequency of p and q respectively in the given population with Npp = 1024, Npq = 64 and Nqq = 512?
- 0.66 and 0.34
- 0.44 and 0.12
- 0.34 and 0.66
- 0.8 and 0.2
Q. The following states in India has the lowest sex ratio than national average in 2001 census?
- Punjab
- Delhi
- Haryana
- Orissa
Sex ratio is __________.
- Number of females per thousand males
- Number of females per hundred males
- The study of population growth
- Difference between birth rate and death rates
Q. List the attributes that populations but not individuals possess.
Q. What is the child sex ratio in India?
- 950
- 933
- 1000
- 850
Q. In Indian society girls versus boys ratio is ________.
- 950:1200
- 300:452
- 940:1000
- 500:1000
Q. State with the highest female population as per 2011 census is ______.
- Kerala
- Himachal Pradesh
- Uttar Pradesh
- Andhra Pradesh
Q. Average female to male ratio in world population is
- 2 : 3
- 3 : 4
- 1 : 1.01
- 1 : 1
Q. The sex ratio is the highest in ________.
- Punjab
- Harayana
- Kerala
- Karnataka
Q. The denominator for 'General Fertility Rate' is ____________.
- Mid year population
- Mid year population of 15-45 years
- Mid year population of all women
- Mid year population of 15-45 year age group married women