Slime Moulds
Trending Questions
Are bacteria autotrophic or heterotrophic?
What is the life cycle of Basidiomycota?
What is the other name of consumer decomposer protists?
In which class of fungi karyogamy is delayed for a long time?
What characterizes the colony morphology of Bacillus subtilis?
Question 4
Naked cytoplasm, multinucleated and saprophytic are the characteristics of
(a) Monera (b) Protista (c) Fungi (d) Slime
Are protists decomposers?
- Spirogyra
- Polysiphonia
- Sargassum
- Pinnularia
- protonema
- plasmodium
- fruiting body
- mycelium
- Parasitic, plasmodium with true walls, spores dispersed by air currents
- Saprophytic, plasmodium without walls, spores dispersed by water
- Parasitic, plasmodium without walls, spores dispersed by water
- Saprophytic, plasmodium without walls, spores dispersed by air currents
- Eubacteria
- Archaebacteria
- Slime molds
- Mycoplasma
What does basidium mean?
What is the shape of Bacillus Subtilis?
Drosophila melanogaster is a model organism in Genetics justify
- eukaryotic, single celled or filamentous organisms; autotrophic or saprotrophic; can reproduce sexually or asexually.
- saprotrophic or parasitic organisms with mycelia; reproduces asexually by fragmentation.
- slimy mass of multinucleate protoplasm with pseudopodia-like structures for engulfing food; reproduces by fragmentation or zoospores.
- cellular or acellular prokaryotes; saprotrophic or autotrophic;
reproduces by binary fission.
Are red algae edible?
- saprobes or parasites having mycelia, asexual reproduction by fragmentation, sexual reproduction by fusion of gametes
- slimy mass of multinucleate protoplasm having pseudopodia-like structures for engulfing food, reproduction through fragmentation and spore formation
- prokaryotic organisms, cellular or acellular, saprophytic or autotrophic, reproduction by binary fission
- eukaryotic single celled or filamentous saprobes or autotrophs, asexual reproduction by division of haploid individuals, sexual reproduction by fusion of two cells or their nuclei
What do clusters of sporangia form?
What is the class to which dinoflagellates belong?
- euglenoids
- slime moulds
- chrysophytes
- dinoflagellates
- Plasmodium
- Pseudoplasmodium
- Sporangium
- Macrocyst
- Fungi
- Protista
- Monera
- Animalia
Observe the diagram given below and answer the following questions :

(a) Identify the diagram.
(b) Name the group to which it belongs.
(c) Draw and label A – E.
- number of nuclei per cell
- cell wall composition
- preferred habitat of growth
- reproductive structures
What is Pelomyxa also known as?
What is the nature of protoplasm in plasmodium?
- plasmodium
- myxamoeba
- sporocytes
- periplasmodium
- Slime molds
- Mycoplasma
- Eubacteria
- Archaebacteria
- Diatoms
- Slime moulds
- Dinoflagellates
- Euglenoid
- Monerans
- Protists
- Slime moulds
- Fungi