Storage Roots
Trending Questions
- Fusiform root
- Conical root
- Fasciculated roots
- Napiform root
- stem
- adventitious root
- rhizome
- tap root
Ginger is a stem which can be differentiated from root because it
Grows parallel to ground
Stores food
Lacks chlorophyll
Has nodes and internodes
Write two examples of plants with climbing roots.
What are aerial roots? Name its types.
Cuscuta is a:
Partial stem parasite
Total stem parasite
Total root parasite
What are stilt roots and pneumatophores?
Which of the following tuberous root is not a tap root?
sweet potato
What are the examples of fasciculated roots?
Name the body part modified for food storage in the following
(a) Carrot ............... (b) Colocasia.............
(c) Sweet potato ............ (d) Asparagus............
(e) Radish......... (f) Potato..........
(g) Dahlia........... (h) Turmeric...........
(i) Gladiolus......... (j) Ginger..................
(k) Portulaca........
- Cuscuta
- Vanda
- Heritiera
- Dahlia
- Fasciculated roots
- Nodulose roots
- Beaded roots
- Annulated roots
- A single tuberous root is produced while fasciculated roots arise in a cluster from the base of the stem
- Tuberous roots arise in a cluster from the base of the stem while fasciculated roots are single
- Sweet potato is an example of a tuberous root and Dahlia is an example of fasciculated roots
- Sweet potato is an example of a fasciculated root and Dahlia is an example of a tuberous root
Are vascular bundles closed in monocotyledons?
- Vascular system is well developed
- Vascular system is poorly developed
- Root system is well developed
- Root system is poorly developed
Which plant has a taproot?
All of these
- False
- True
- stem
- adventitious root
- tap root
- rhizome
- Thumb roots
- Stilt roots
- Prop roots
- All the above
- Grassland
- Forest
- Mangroves
- Desert
Which one of the following is micro nutrients?
- Fasciculated roots
- Nodulose roots
- Annulated roots
- Beaded roots
- Parasites
- All epiphytes
- Aerial roots of some orchids/ Vanda
- Halophytes
- Temporary structural changes in roots
- Permanent structural changes in roots
- Permanent internal changes in roots
- Temporary internal changes in roots
- Conical
- Fusiform
- Napiform
- Prop
Reason: Pneumatophores help to take up oxygen from the atmosphere and transports it into the main roots.
- Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion
- Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the correct explanation for Assertion
- Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
- assertion is incorrect but reason is correct
(a) carbon dioxide
(b) chlorophyll
(c) light
(d) nitrogen
- Haustoria
- Stilt roots
- Climbing roots
- Assimilatory roots
- Adventitious root
- Stem
- Fibrous root
- Tap root