Tertiary Structure of Protein
Trending Questions
What is meant by the secondary structure of proteins?
Write a short note on the denaturing and folding of proteins.
- primary structure
- α-helix
- β- pleated sheet
- tertiary structure
Why are Beta Sheets Important?
Hollow woolen ball is _________ structure of protein
Egg albumen is an example of
Simple protein
Conjugated protein
Derived protein
What is meant by the tertiary structure of proteins?
What stabilizes quaternary structure?
- Hydrophobic interaction
- Electrostatic interactions
- Ester bonds
- Hydrogen bonds
- amino acid sequence
- primary structure
- secondary structure
- tertiary structure
- Hydrophobic interaction
- Ester bonds
- Hydrogen bonds
- Electrostatic interaction
- H-bonds
- Peptide bonds
- Disulfide bonds
The primary structure of a protein is due to
Hydrogen bonds
Ionic bonds
Peptide bonds
mention a protein having quaternary structure.also, name its poplypeptide chain
- Primary structure
- Secondary structure
- Tertiary structure
- Quarternary structure
Contractile proteins are found in the_____.
- Consist of two or more polypeptide subunits
- Consist of four polypeptide subunits
- Have four domains
- Exist in several alternative conformational states
- primary structure
- α-helix
- β- pleated sheet
- tertiary structure
Match the biological molecules listed under column I with their biological functions listed under column II. Choose the answer which gives the correct combinations from the two columns.
Column IColumn II(Biological Molecule)(Function)A. Glycogen1. HormoneB. Globulin2. BiocatalystC. Steroid3. AntibodyD. Thrombin4. Storage product
- Glucose + Fructose
- Glucose + Glucose
- Glucose + Galactose
- Glucose + Maltose
- Ester bonds
- Hydrogen bonds
- Electrostatic interactions
- Hydrophobic interactions.
- True
- False
- Consists of four subunits
- May be either α or β
- Is unrelated to two function of the protein
- Is dictated by the primary structures of the individual subunits
- Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion
- Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the correct explanation for Assertion
- Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
- Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
- amino acid sequence
- primary structure
- secondary structure
- tertiary structure
- Primary structure
- Secondary structure
- Tertiary structure
- Quaternary structure
- Secondary
- Primary
- Tertiary
- Quatenary
i) Cysteine can be linked to tyrosine by S−O bond.
ii) Cysteine can be linked to another cysteine by S−S bond.
iii) Cysteine can complex with Zn2+.
iv) Cysteine can be linked to methionine by S−S bond.
- ii) and iii)
- i) and ii)
- iii) and iv)
- i) and iv)
- Ester bonds
- Electrostatic interactions
- Hydrogen bonds
- Hydrophobic interactions