Transpirational Pull
Trending Questions
What are the 3 adaptations that allow plants to prevent water loss?
Describe the internal structure of the Funaria capsule.
Describe transpiration pull model of water transport in plants. What are the factors influencing transpiration? How is it useful to plants?
Why does transpiration increase with temperature?
The upward movement of water and minerals to the leaves is called
Ascent of sap
Decent of sap
Inflow of sap
Outflow of sap
(b) Since the water has to be moved up a stem against gravity, what provides the energy for this?
Differentiate between the following:
Transpiration and photosynthesis
- Imbibition
- Plasmolysis
- Root pressure
- Transpiration
Given below is a group of five terms. Arrange and rewrite the terms in correct order so as to be in a logical sequence.
Spongy cells, upper epidermis, stoma, palisade tissue, substomatal space.
- Pores in tracheary elements
- Cohesion force of water molecules
- Adhesion force of water molecules
- Requirement of ATP
Describe transpiration pull model of water transport in plants. What are the factors influencing transpiration? How is it useful to plants?
Transpiration pull will be maximum under which of the following conditions?
- Open stomata, high humid atmosphere, and dry soil
- Closed stomata, low light intensity, and humid atmosphere
- Open stomata, high intensity of light and well-irrigated soil
- Closed stomata, low light intensity and humid atmosphere
- Dixon
- Joly
- Levitt
- Mayer
- mutual attraction between water molecules
- attraction of water molecules to other polar molecules
- surface tension
- all of the above
- transpiration
- translocation
- respiraton
- photosynthesis
- increased in transpiration
- decreased in transpiration
- decreased in salt absorption
- increased photosynthesis
______ are minute pores on the surface of leaves.
List - IList - II(a)Cohesion(i)More attraction inliquid phase(b)Adhesion(ii)Mutual attractionamong water molecules(c)Surface tension(iii)Water loss in liquid phase(d)Guttation(iv)Attraction towards polar surfaces
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
- (a) : (ii) ; (b) : (i) ; (c) : (iv) ; (d) : (iii))
- (a) : (ii) ; (b) : (iv) ; (c) : (i) ; (d) : (iii))
- (a) : (iv) ; (b) : (iii) ; (c) : (ii) ; (d) : (i))
- (a) : (iii) ; (b) : (i) ; (c) : (iv) ; (d) : (ii))
- Root pressure theory
- Cohesion tension transpiration theory
- Mass flow hypothesis
- Both a and b
Describe the path of ascent of sap due to transpiration pull
- Munch
- Stephen Hales
- Dixon and Joly
- Bose
- Pores in tracheary elements
- Cohesion force of water molecules
- Adhesion force of water molecules
- Requirement of ATP
Out of transpiration, guttation, and bleeding, which is/are not natural processes?
- increased in transpiration
- decreased in transpiration
- decreased in salt absorption
- increased photosynthesis
- Pushing and pulling it, respectively
- Pulling it upward
- Pulling and pushing it, respectively
- Pushing it upward
- Transpiration pull theory
- Relay pump theory
- Root pressure theory
- Pulsation theory
- Humidity
- Distribution of stomata
- Canopy structure
- Water status of the plant
- All of the above