Types of Gynoecium Depending on Arrangement of Ovaries
Trending Questions
What is the difference between apocarpous and syncarpous ovary?
Q. Suppose in a flower of mustard each microsporangium possess 20 pollen mother cells then, the total number of male gamets formed by this flower.
Q. Which of the following statements is incorrect for ovary?
I. It is connected to the pelvic wall and the uterus by bones.
II. The ovarian stroma is divided into an outer cortex and an inner medulla.
III. Each ovary is about 2-4 cm in length.
IV. Ovary is covered by a thick, stratified epithelium.
V. Ovary secretes steroid hormones.
I. It is connected to the pelvic wall and the uterus by bones.
II. The ovarian stroma is divided into an outer cortex and an inner medulla.
III. Each ovary is about 2-4 cm in length.
IV. Ovary is covered by a thick, stratified epithelium.
V. Ovary secretes steroid hormones.
- I, IV and V only
- I and IV only
- I, II and III only
- IV only
In epigynous flower, ovary is situated below the ........ .
What is bicarpellary ovary?
Q. Which among the following is a perennial monocarpic plant?
- Mango
- Agave
- Radish
- Carrot
Q. Which of the following is a monocarpic biennial plant?
- Wheat
- Rice
- Carrot
- Bamboo
Q. All of the following have half inferior ovary, except:
- Plum
- Rose
- Ray florets of sunflower
- Peach
In members belonging to Fabaceae family, generally what type of inflorescence is seen?
Q. The gynoecium consists of many free pistils in flowers of
- Aloe
- Tomato
- Papaver
- Michaelia
Q. The below inflorescence is a/an–

- Cyathium
- Dichasial
- Umbel
- Panicle
Q. Read the given statements.
(i) Gynoecium occupies the highest position while the other floral parts are situated below it.
(ii) Ovary is superior.
(iii) Examples are Brassica, Hibiscus, brinjal, etc.
Which condition of flowers is being described by the above statements?
(i) Gynoecium occupies the highest position while the other floral parts are situated below it.
(ii) Ovary is superior.
(iii) Examples are Brassica, Hibiscus, brinjal, etc.
Which condition of flowers is being described by the above statements?
- Hypogyny
- Perigyny
- Epigyny
- Apocarpous
Q. Inferior ovary is seen in epigynous flowers as in:
- Guava
- Plum
- Rose
- Pea
Q. The ovary is described as syncarpous when the gynoecium has
- free carpels
- fused carpels
- fused ovules
- free ovules
Q. In fern plant, number of chromosome in its leaves is 30. What will be the number of chromosome in prothallus and root cells respectively?
- 30, 15
- 30, 30
- 30, 60
- 15, 30
What are Fabaceae family?
Phyllotaxy is decussate in
Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis
Catharanthus roseus
Pisum sativum
Nerium indicum
Q. If position of ovary is below sepals, petals and stamens, the flower is called
- epigynous
- perigynous
- hypogynous
- metagynous
Are bananas berries?
Is there any difference between pistil and carpel ?
Q. Fleshy receptacle of syconus of Fig encloses a number of
- Samaras
- Berries
- Mericarps
- Achenes
Q. A multicarpellary, syncarpous gynoecium is found in
- Papaver
- Michelia
- Hibiscus
- More than one option is correct
Syncarpous ovaries stands for independent ovaries in flower.
Q. Distinguish between apocarpous and syncarpous ovary.
Q. Flower is perigynous in:
- Mustard
- Brinjal
- Potato
- Peach
Q. Vagina of the female reproductive system is
- Primary sex organ
- Secondary sex organ
- None of the above
- Accessory sex organ
Q. State whether the following are true or false.
In a hypogynous flower, the thalamus encloses the ovary.
In a hypogynous flower, the thalamus encloses the ovary.
Q. The dominant photosynthetic phase in the life cycle of pteriodophyta is equivalent to the
- Gametophytic phase of gymnosperm
- Sporophytic phase of bryophyte
- Gametophytic phase of pteridophytes
- Gametophytic phase of bryophyte
Q. Gynoecium with fused carpels?
- Syncarpous
- Apocarpous
- Syngenecium
- None of these
Q. The gynoecium consists of many free pistils in flowers of
- Aloe
- Tomato
- Papaver
- Michaelia