Promotion and Distribution
Trending Questions
- Promotion
- Distribution
- Transportation
- Promotion mix
- Promotion Budget
- Marketing mix
'Transportation is the physical movement of goods from one place to another'. State true or false.
Identify and name the promotional tool which includes outdoor display of organising charitable programmes, sport events etc, to promote their goods and goodwill.
State the functions of warehousing.
The channel of distribution and physical movement of the product are aspects that are apart of ___
Physical distribution
None of these
Role of transport
For products requiring long-term storage such as agricultural products, there is a need for warehousing. Not only this, warehousing provides facilities like assembly, grading and other value-added services. Warehousing is a part of which element of marketing mix?
Physical Distribution
All of the above
- Distribution
- Promotion
- Transportation
[0.80 marks]
- finish the stock produced
- maximise profit
- advertise to maximise sale
- dentify the need and fulfil it
What are the functions of a warehousing?
- Free gifts
- Sales contests
- Public Relations
- Point of purchase display
- National Exchange for Automated Trading
- State Exchange for Automated Trading
- District Exchange for Automated Trading
- None of the above
Other modes of transport
Functions of warehousing
1.what is the noun form of consume, compare, criticise?
2.what is the verb form of response
- Relation between sales person
- Relation between company and consumers
- All of the above
- Relation between buyer and seller
- True
- False
- Advertising
- Personal Selling
- Publicity
- Sales promotion
- Discount
- Rebate
- Publicity
- Usable gift
- True
- False