Boiling Point of Carboxylic Acids
Trending Questions
- More extensive association of carboxylic acid via van der Waals force of attraction.
- Formation of carboxylate ion
- Formation of intramolecular H-bonding
- Formation of intermolecular H-bonding
(Given, molar mass of phenol=94 g mol−1, mass of solvent =1 kg)
- 0.1 m urea
- 0.05 m NaCl
- 0.025 m Al(OH)3
- All of the above will have same boiling point
Why amides and carboxylic acids have higher boiling point?
Consider the following molecules and statements related to them:

(a) (B) is more likely to be crystalline than (A)
(b) (B) has a higher boiling point than (A)
(c) (B) dissolves more readily than (A) in water
Identify the correct option from below:
(a) and (c) is true
Only (a) is true
All are true
(a) and (b) are true
- 100.0078oC
- 101.0026oC
- 101.26oC
- 100.26oC
Assertion: Carboxylic acids have higher boiling points than alkanes.
Reason: Carboxylic acids are resonance hybrids.
- If assertion is false but reason is true.
If assertion is true but reason is false.
If the assertion and reason both are false.
If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
- more extensive association of carboxylic acid via van der Waals force of attraction
- formation of intramolecular H-bonding
- formation of intermolecular H-bonding
- formation of carboxylate ion
(A) (B) (C)
- (A) > (B) > (C)
- (A) > (C) > (B)
- (C) > (A) > (B)
- (C) > (B) > (A)
The first nine aliphatic monocarboxylic acids are colourless liquids.
Carboxylic acids with more than five carbon atoms are insoluble in water.
- Both Assertion and Reasone are correct and Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion
- Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the correct explanation for Assertion
- Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
- Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
Why does sec butyl alcohol have a lesser boiling point than isobutyl alcohol when both are similarly branched?
- Their acidic nature
- intermolecular hydrogen bonding
- their dimerisation
- both (b) and (c)
- more extensive association of carboxylic acid via van der waals force of attraction
- formation of intramolecular H-bonding
- Formation of strong intermolecular H-bonding than alcohol
- formation of carboxylate ion
- Linkage isomerism
- Ionization isomerism
- Coordination isomerism
- No isomerism
(Given, molar mass of phenol=94 g mol−1, mass of solvent =1 kg)
- 7.5%
- 75%
- 55%
- 5.55%
- Carbon tetrachloride
- Toluene
- Benzene
- All of these
lower alcohols are soluble in water, higher alcohols are not. Why?
- Bakelite
- Terylene
- Nylon
- Formation of intermolecular H-bonding
- Formation of intramolecular H-bonding
- More extensive association of carboxylic acid via van der Waals force of attraction
- Formation of carboxylate ion
- Amide
- Carboxylic acid
- Acyl chloride
- Ketone
- Ethanol
- Acetone
- water
- 1 & 3
- 1 & 4
- 1 & 2
- 1, 2, 3 and 4
- 1 > 2 > 3
- 3 > 1 > 2
- 1 > 3 > 2
- 3 > 2 > 1
which will have higher boiling point of 1-bromo butane and 2-bromo-2-methyl propane?
Assertion: Carboxylic acids have higher boiling points than alkanes.
Reason: Carboxylic acids are resonance hybrids.
If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
If assertion is true but reason is false.
If the assertion and reason both are false.
- If assertion is false but reason is true.
(A) (B) (C)
- (A) > (B) > (C)
- (C) > (A) > (B)
- (A) > (C) > (B)
- (C) > (B) > (A)