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- xm=p×T
- x/m=f(T) at constant p
x/m=f(p) at constant T- p=f(T) at constant x/m
The correct statement(s) pertaining to the adsorption of a gas on a solid surface is (are)
Adsorption is always exothermic.
Physisorption may transformation into chemisorption at high temperature.
Physisorption increases with increasing temperature but chemisorption decreases with increasing temperature.
Chemisorption is more exothermic than physisorption; however, it is very slow due to higher energy of activation.
Does adsorption increase with temperature?
Easily liquefiable gases have
Low Boyle temperature
High Boyle temperature
Both the above
None of the above
(Assume that the adsorption obey Freundlich isotherm)
- 0.4
- 0.6
- 0.8
- 0.2
How does physisorption change to chemisorption at high temperatures?
What role does adsorption play in heterogeneous catalysis ?
Is chemisorption reversible or irreversible?
The rate of chemisorption :
- increases with increase of pressure
- is independent of pressure
- is independent of temperature
- decreases with increase of pressure
- Increases with an increase in temperature
- Decreases with an increase in temperature
- First increases, then decreases with an increase in temperature
- First decreases, then increases with an increase in temperature
It's easier to liquify oxygen than hydrogen because:
a) oxygen has a higher critical temperature and lower inversion temperature than hydrogen
b) oxygen has a lower critical temperature and higher inversion temperature than hydrogen
c) oxygen has a higher critical temperature and higher inversion temperature than hydrogen
d) the critical temperature and inversion temperature of oxygen is very low
Remains unaffected by change of temperature
Either increases or decreases with temperature
Increases with temperature
Decreases with temperature
Chemisorption said to be irreversible but the graph between temperature and chemisorption decrease after the activation energy indicating desorption? Why?
<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> JEE Mains 2018
- Adsorption is specific
- Heat of adsorption is of die order of 200 kJ mol−1
- Adsorption may form multimolecular layers
- Adsorption is irreversible
Increases with temperature
Decreases with temperature
Remains unaffected by change of temperature
Either increases or decreases with temperature
Enthalpy of chemisorption is in the order of?
20 - 40 kJ per mol
80 - 240 kJ per mol
30 - 1000 kJ per mol
40 - 80 kJ per mol
1. Adsorption is spontaneous at all the temperatures.
2. Gases having high critical temperature possess more tendency for adsorption.
3. An adsorbent possesses more tendency for adsorption if it is in colloidal state.
4. Chemical adsorption first decreases with increase in temperature and then increases.
5. Water molecules are adsorbed in CaCl2(s) results in increasing temperature.
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- 2, 3, 4
- 1, 2, 3, 4
- 2, 3
- reaches a constant limiting value
- goes on increasing with pressure
- goes on decreasing with pressure
- first increasing and then decreasing with pressure
Out of physisorption and chemisorption which on has lower enthalpy of adsorption?
If true then enter 1 else enter 0.
FeCl3 on reaction with potassium ferrocyanide in aqueous solution gives blue colour.When 0.01M of FeCl3 and 0.1M potassium ferrocyanide are placed in a beaker and seperated by a semi permeable membrane, identify whether there will be an appearance of blue colour on potassium ferrocyanide side due to osmosis.E xplain your answer.