Other Synthesis Methods
Trending Questions
Which among the following pairs of molecules can be distinguished by haloform reaction?
Which of the following reaction will not result in the formation of carbon-carbon bonds?
Friedal – craft acylation
Reimer – Tiemann reaction
Wurtz reaction
Cannizzaro reaction
same molecular formula (C2H6O) is due to
- Ionic bonding
- Co-ordinate covalent bonding
- Resonance
- Hydrogen bonding
Alkenes usually show which type of reaction
Column I (Enzymes)Coulmn II (Reactions)AInvertase(i)Decomposition of urea into NH3 and CO2BMaltase(ii)Conversion of glucose into ethyl alcoholCPepsin(iii)Hydrolysis of maltose into glucoseDUrease(iv)Hydrolysis of cane sugarEZymase(v)Hydrolysis of proteins into peptides
Propanamide on treatment with bromine in an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide gives:
Column I | Column II | ||
A | CH3−CHBr−CD3/on treatement with alc.KOH gives CH2=CH−CD3 as a major product | P | E1 reaction |
B | Ph−CHBr−CH3 reacts faster than Ph−CHBr−CD3 | Q | E2 reaction |
C | Ph−CH2−CH2−F on treatement with C2H5OD/C2H5O−gives Ph−CD=CH2 as the major product | R | E1cB reaction |
D | Ph−CH2−CH2−Br and Ph−CD2−CH2−Brreact with same rate | S | First order reaction |
- A−Q; B−Q; C−R, S; D−P , S
- A−Q; B−P, S; C−R, S; D−Q
- A−P; B−P, S; C−R; D−Q
- A−P, S; B−Q, S; C−P, S; D−R, S
- cis 2-methyl-1, 3-butadiene
- tran 2-methyl-1, 3-butadiene
- Propylene
- Ethene
(Given, order of migratory aptitude: aryl > alkyl > hydrogen)

The correct option is :
- P-1; Q-2, 3 ; R-1, 4; S-2, 4
- P-1, 5; Q-3, 4; R- 4, 5; S- 3
- P-1, 5; Q-3, 4; R-5; S-2, 4
- P-1, 5; Q-2, 3; R-1, 5; S-2, 3
What happens when Acetaldehyde is treated with Fehling’s Solution?
Acetophenone can be obtained by the distillation of:
- (C6H5COO)2Ca and (HCOO)2Ca
- (C6H5COO)2Ca
- (CH3COO)2Ca
- (C6H5COO)2Ca and (CH3COO)2Ca
During pyrolysis of alkane C - C bond breaks faster than C - H bond because
C - C bond is strong
C - H bond is weak
The bond energy of C - C bond is less than that of C - H bond
C - C bond involves π- bond in alkanes
- Sandmeyer reaction
- Gattermann reaction
- Hoffmann bromamide degradation reaction
- Carbylamine reaction

An pellet is an example of____(deliquescence/efflorescence).
(i) Propanone to Propan-2-ol
(ii) Ethanal to 2-hydroxy propanoic acid
(iii) Toluene to benzoic acid
(b) Give simple chemical test to distinguish between :
(i) Pentan-2-one and Pentan-3-one
(ii) Ethanal and Propanal
- Acid and alcohol
- two alcohols
- two acids
- Aldehyde and alcohol
What are Etard Reaction and Gattermann Koch Reaction? Give example.
- Hydrolysis of isopropylidene chloride
- Hydration of propyne
- Dehydrogenation of isopropyl alcohol
- Hydrolysis of ester
Toluenei) KMnO4/KOH, Δ−−−−−−−−−−−−→ii) H3O+ASOCl2−−−−→BH2/Pd−−−−→BaSO4C
The product C is:
- C6H5CH3
- dimethyl ketone
- diethyl ketone
- ethyl methyl ketone
- acetaldehyde
- The reaction of ethylene with H2SO4 at 80∘C
- The reaction of water gas with hydrogen at high temperature
- Alkaline hydrolysis of methyl bromide
- Destructive distillation of wood