Oxidation of Alcohols
Trending Questions
The number of isomeric Alcohol(s) with a molecular formula that will give a positive iodoform test is:
How can we convert ethanol to propanenitrile?
What happens when Ethanol is added to Acetic acid?
- 1∘ alcohol
- 3∘ alcohol
- 2∘ alcohol
- Both 1∘ and 2∘ alcohol
Why is the conversion of ethanol to ethanoic acid an oxidation reaction?
Give equation of the following reactions.
Oxidation of propan-1-ol with alkaline KMnO4 solution.
Bromine in CS2 with phenol
Dilute HNO3 with phenol
Treating phenol with chloroform in presence of aqueous NaOH
How do you convert propanone to propene?
Suggest a reagent for the following conversion.
Suggest a reagent for conversion of ethanol to ethanal.
- Chromic anhydride in glacial acetic acid
- Acidic dichromate
- Acidic permanganate
- Pyridinium chloro-chromate
- Oil of vitriol
- Muriatic acid
- Blue vitriol
- Green vitriol
The most suitable reagent for the conversion of RCH2OH → RCHO is:
K2 Cr2 O7
A compound X with molecular formula C3H8O can be oxidised to a compound Y with the molecular formula C3H6O2. X is most likely to be [MP PMT 1991]
Primary alcohol
Secondary alcohol
- Acetone
- Methane
- Acetaldehyde
- Ethyl alcohol
The number of chiral centres and stereoisomers possible for the following compound are respectively
1 and 2
3 and 8
2 and 4
4 and 16
An aromatic amine (A) was treated with alcoholic potash and another compound (Y) when foul smelling gas
was formed with formula C6H5NC. Y was formed by reacting a compound (Z) with Cl2 in the presence of
slaked lime. The compound (Z) is [CBSE PMT 1990]
Which of the following reagents can be used to oxidise primary alcohols to aldehydes?
(a) CrO3 in anhydrous medium
(b) KMnO4 in acidic medium
(c) Pyridinium chlorochromate
(d) Heat in the presence of Cu at 573K
- 2-propanol
- 2-butanol
- 1-propanol
- 1-butanol
CH3CH2OH can be converted into CH3CHO by . . . .
(a) catalytic hydrogenation
(b) treatment with LiAIH4
(c) treatment with pyridinium chlorochromate
(d) treatment with KMnO4
Suggest a reagent for conversion of ethanol to ethanoic acid.
- Ethanol, Ethene
- Ethanal, Ethyne
- Glycol, Ethyne
- Propanol, Propene
- LiCl
- NiCl2
- SnCl2
- TiCl4

- Lucas Reagent
- 2, 4−DNP
- Fehling's Solution
- NaHSO3
[X] will be:
(a) l mole of HIO4 (b) 2 moles of HIO4j
(c) conc.HNO3 (d) MnO2
- b
- c
- d
- a
Cannizzaro rxn of two molecules of benzaldehyde .(not self cannizzaro)