Oxides and Oxoanions
Trending Questions

2) - In the following pair of halogen compound, which would undergo SN2 reaction faster?

- zero
- +1/2
- +1
- −1/2
Why are metal reducing agents and nonmetals oxidising agents?
Which one of the following is not applicable to the phenomenon of adsorption?
- △G<0
- △S<0
- △H<0
- △H>0
What is green vitriol?
- Acidic oxide
- Basic oxide
- Neutral oxide
- Amphoteric oxide
Chemical formula for calcium pyrophosphate is Ca2P2O7 The formula for ferric pyrophosphate will be
In an octahedral complex of in a high spin state, what is the magnetic moment (spin only)?
Name the oxometal anions of the first series of the transition metals in which the metal exhibits the oxidation state equal to its group number.
Name the iron-containing pigment in erythrocytes.
Mention any 2 roles of iron in cells.
Which property of mercury makes it suitable to be used in clinical thermometers.
Liquid ________ is filled with the bulb of a clinical thermometer.
Name the noble gases found in traces in the atmosphere.
A mercury thermometer makes use of the property of expansion of liquids on heating.
- True
- False
Give the name of the types of ceramics
Elements with more non-metallic character are good oxidizing agents and those with more electropositive character are good reducing agents.Explain.
Chemically magnetite is
- True
- False
Which of the following is the strongest oxidizing agent?
- Acidic oxide
- Basic oxide
- Neutral oxide
- Amphoteric oxide

- The Ni2+(aq) cation is coloured because Ni2+ ion can absorb light, which promotes electrons from the low energy d-orbitals to high energy d-orbitals.
- The Zn2+(aq) cation is colourless because the d-orbitals are completely filled and no electrons can be promoted, so on light is absorbed.
- A complex which has just one absorption band at 455 nm, must be blue coloured.
- A complex which has just one absorption band at 425 nm, must be yellow coloured.
Name salts which give brown color or accelerate with Nesslers reagent.
Is Copper Glance An Oxide Ore?
- True
- False