Zinc II Sulphate
Trending Questions
Explain the reason behind the difference in color of the two compounds and .
Q. Which is not true about White Vitriol?
- It can be formed by the reaction of Zn with dilute H2SO4
- It can be formed by the reaction of ZnO with dilute H2SO4
- It can be formed by the reaction of ZnCO3 with dilute H2SO4
- When it is heated between 70 ∘C and 280 ∘C, anhydrous zinc sulphate is formed
Q. Consider the following reactions (unbalanced)
Zn+hot conc.H2SO4→G+R+X
G+H2S+NH4OH→Z(a precipitate)+X+Y
Choose the correct option(s).
Zn+hot conc.H2SO4→G+R+X
G+H2S+NH4OH→Z(a precipitate)+X+Y
Choose the correct option(s).
- The oxidation state of Zn in T is + 1
- R is a V-shaped molecule
- Z is dirty white in colour
- Bond order of Q is 1 in its ground state
The ——— (physical/chemical) state of the reactants and products are mentioned along with the conditions required for the chemical reaction.
Q. Consider the following reactions (unbalanced)
Zn+hot conc.H2SO4→G+R+X
G+H2S+NH4OH→Z(a precipitate)+X+Y
Choose the correct option(s).
Zn+hot conc.H2SO4→G+R+X
G+H2S+NH4OH→Z(a precipitate)+X+Y
Choose the correct option(s).
- The oxidation state of Zn in T is + 1
- R is a V-shaped molecule
- Z is dirty white in colour
- Bond order of Q is 1 in its ground state
Q. The hydrogen phosphate of certain metal has MHPO4 formula. The formula of metal chloride is:
- MCl
- MCl3
- M2Cl
- MCl2
Q. In the cyanide process for extraction of gold and silver from ores, the cyanide solution acts as a :
- Reducing agent to reduce the gold and silver compounds present in the ores into the metallic states
- Leaching agent to bring the gold and silver into solution as cyanide complexes and thus separate these metals from the ores
- Leaching agent to bring the ores into solution
- Leaching agent to dissolve all the other constituents of the ores leaving the gold and silver as metals
Q. Anhydrous calcium chloride is often used as a dessicant. In the presence of excess of CaCl2, the amount of the water taken up is governed by Kp=6.4×1085 for the following reaction at room temperature, CaCl2(s)+6H2O(g)⇌CaCl2.6H2O(s). What is the equilibrium vapour pressure of water in a closed vessel that contains CaCl2(s)?
- PH2O=6×10−15atm
- PH2O=9×10−15atm
- PH2O=7×10−15atm
- PH2O=5×10−15atm
Q. (i) A black mineral (A) on heating in presence of air gives a gas (B).
(ii) The mineral (A) on reaction with dilute H2SO4 gives a gas (C) and solution of a compound (D).
(iii) On passing gas (C) into an aqueous solution (B), a white turbidity is obtained.
(iv) The aqueous solution of compound (D) on reaction with potassium ferricyanide gives a blue compound (E).
(ii) The mineral (A) on reaction with dilute H2SO4 gives a gas (C) and solution of a compound (D).
(iii) On passing gas (C) into an aqueous solution (B), a white turbidity is obtained.
(iv) The aqueous solution of compound (D) on reaction with potassium ferricyanide gives a blue compound (E).
Compounds (A) to (E) are identified as:
(A) : FeS , (B) : SO2, (C) : H2S, (D) : FeSO4 and (E) : KFeII[FeIII(CN)6]
If true enter 1, else enter 0.
If true enter 1, else enter 0.
Q. Consider the following reactions (unbalanced)
Zn+hot conc.H2SO4→G+R+X
G+H2S+NH4OH→Z(a precipitate)+X+Y
Choose the correct option(s).
Zn+hot conc.H2SO4→G+R+X
G+H2S+NH4OH→Z(a precipitate)+X+Y
Choose the correct option(s).
- The oxidation state of Zn in T is + 1
- R is a V-shaped molecule
- Z is dirty white in colour
- Bond order of Q is 1 in its ground state
Q. Consider the following reactions (unbalanced)
Zn+hot conc.H2SO4→G+R+X
G+H2S+NH4OH→Z(a precipitate)+X+Y
Choose the correct option(s).
Zn+hot conc.H2SO4→G+R+X
G+H2S+NH4OH→Z(a precipitate)+X+Y
Choose the correct option(s).
- The oxidation state of Zn in T is + 1
- R is a V-shaped molecule
- Z is dirty white in colour
- Bond order of Q is 1 in its ground state
Q. Sodium thiosulphate is called I....... and is used like II....... and removes unreacted light sensitive AgBr by forming the complex III.......
- I:hypo, II:fixer, III:[Ag(S2O3)2]3−
- I:hypo, II:developer, III:[AgS2O3]−
- I:hypo, II:fixer, III:[Ag2(S2O3)]
- None of the above is correct.
Q. Hydrometallurgy is generally used in the case of low grade ores, which cannot be concentrated economically. If true enter 1 else 0.
Q. PbO2 is obtained from:
- the reaction of Pb with air at room temperature
- the reaction of PbO with HCl
- the reaction of Pb3O4 with HNO3
- thermal decomposition of Pb(NO3)2 at 200oC
Q. Write the reaction of F2 with water.
Q. Identify the incorrect reaction (s).
- K2Cr2O7+4NaCl+3H2SO4(conc.)⟶2CrO2Cl2+2NaSO4+K2SO4+3H2O
- K2Cr2O7+6Kl+7H2SO4(conc.)⟶3l2+Cr2(SO4)+4K2SO4+7H2O
- K2Cr2O7+4AgCl+3H2SO4(conc.)⟶2CrO2Cl2+2Ag2SO4+K2SO4+3H2O
- MnO2+NaCl+2H2SO4(conc.)⟶NaHSO4+MnSO4+HCl+H2O+1/2O2
Q. ZnSO4.7H2OAbove 39∘C−−−−−−−→Below 70∘CAAbove 70∘C−−−−−−−→BAbove 280∘C−−−−−−−→O2+SO2+ZnO. A and B respectively are:
- ZnSO4.H2O & ZnSO4.6H2O
- ZnSO4.2H2O & ZnSO4.6H2O
- ZnSO4.6H2O & ZnSO4.2H2O
- ZnSO4.6H2O & ZnSO4.H2O
Q. NaOH can be used to separate Al(OH)3 and Zn(OH)2.
- yes
- no
- in high pressure only
- none of the above
- in High temperature only
Q. in the reaction C2H5OH2H5+COBF3500atms⟶150∘CX. What is X?
- Diethyl carbonate
- Ethyl carbonate
- Diethyl peroxide
- Ethyl propionate
Q. The product formed in contact tower is :
- SO3
- SO2
- H2S2O8
- H2S2O7
Q. ZnSO4.7H2OAbove 39∘C−−−−−−−→Below 70∘CAAbove 70∘C−−−−−−−→BAbove 280∘C−−−−−−−→O2+SO2+ZnO. A and B respectively are:
- ZnSO4.H2O & ZnSO4.6H2O
- ZnSO4.2H2O & ZnSO4.6H2O
- ZnSO4.6H2O & ZnSO4.2H2O
- ZnSO4.6H2O & ZnSO4.H2O