Trending Questions
Distinguish between revenue budget and capital budget.
"The fiscal deficit gives the borrowing requirement of the government". Elucidate.
In which of the following ways can deficit in the budget be financed?
Borrowing from RBI
Both A and B
Borrowing from the public
Neither A nor B
Revenue deficit can be managed through borrowing or disinvestment. But fiscal deficit can be managed only through borrowing. Do you agree? State reason(s) in support of your answer.
It is an instrument of short-term borrowing by the Government of India maturing in less than one year.
Call money
Treasury bill
Commercial bill
None of the above
Which of the following is a component of the government budget?
Expenditure Budget
Investment Budget
Capital Budget
Income Budget
Give two examples of capital expenditure.
Expenditure on law and order is a component of development expenditure.
Should a current account deficit be a cause for alarm? Explain.
Economic services of Railway and Postal Services provided by the government are covered by
Plan Capital Expenditure
Non-Plan Capital Expenditure
Revenue Expenditure
Both A and B
A. Borrowing B. Disinvestment
C. Tax revenue D. Indirect taxes
- A and D
- C and D
- A and B
- C and B
- Capital Receipt
- Capital Expenditure
- Revenue Receipt
- Revenue Expenditure
Which of the following is not a capital receipt?
None of the above
The government borrows money to finance a deficit
The government uses its extra income to finance a deficit
The government uses its savings to finance a deficit
- deflation
- demonetization
- devaluation
- inflation
- annual
- quarterly
- semi-annual
- monthly
Michael took 1, 000 rupees from the revenues of his business and lent it to a friend to kickstart his business. Where does this transaction fall?
Capital Expenditure
Revenue Receipt
Revenue Expenditure
Capital Receipt
- Revenue Budget
- Capital Budget
- Both (a) and (b)
- Neither (a) nor (b)
1. Explain the concept of Balanced Budget.
2. Explain capital receipts and capital expenditure as a part of Capital Budget.
- not spending enough to ensure development
- spending in excess of revenues
- relying on foreign aid
- spending by borrowing from abroad
What are the main components of budget?