Combination Based on Geometry
Trending Questions
Write the number of diagonals of an n-sided polygon.
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 8
- 420
- 35
- 175
- 210
- 455
- 12
- 419
- 443
- 504
- 552
- 560
- 1120
Consider the set of eight vectors
V={ai+bj+ck}:a, b, c ϵ{−1, 1}. Three non - coplanar vectors can be chosen from V in 2p ways, Then p is
If three lines are non concurrent and no two of them are parallel, number of circles drawn touching all the three lines
- 110
- 15
- 310
- 320
- 9
- 16
- 25
- None of the above
Out of 18 points in a plane, no three are in the same straight line except five points which are collinear. How many (i) straight lines (ii) triangles can be formed by joining them ?
- Maximum number of intersection points made by lines =38
- Maximum number of intersection points made by lines =6
- Maximum number of intersection points made by circles =44
- Maximum number of intersection points made by circles =12
(P1, Pi, Pj, Pk)(1<i<j<k≤10) lying on the same plane is ′m′ then the sum of digits of ′m′ is.
- The number of equilateral triangles formed by joining the vertices are 7
- The number of isosceles triangles formed by joining the vertices are 196
- The number of equilateral triangles formed by joining the vertices are 6
- The number of isosceles triangles formed by joining the vertices are 186
- 210
- 280
- 350
- 420
- 12m2n2
- 14mn(m−1)(n−1)
- 14m2n2
- 12mn(m−1)(n−1)
There are points in a plane of which points are collinear. How many lines can be formed from these points?
- 391
- None of these
- 842
- 791
The number of straight lines joining 8 points on a circle is______.
How many diagonals are there in a hexagon?
There are 10 points in a plane of which 4 are collinear. How many different straight lines can be drawn by joining these points.
- 100
- 116
- 117
- 120
How many triangles can be obtained by joining 12 points, five of which are collinear ?
Find the number of diagonals of (i) a hexagon (ii) a polygon of 16 sides.
- (k+1)3−k3
- (k+2)3−(k+1)3
- (k2+1)
- None of these
- 105
- 65
- 51
- 45