Apparent Frequency:Listener Moving
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The driver of a bus approaching a big wall notices that the frequency of his bus’s horn changes from when he hears it after it gets reflected from the wall. Find the speed of the bus if the speed of the sound is .
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 33 m
- 16.5 m
- 11 m
- 22 m
- 571 Hz
- 800 Hz
- 400 Hz
- 260 Hz
- 1f
- >f
- f
- <f
[speed of sound =340 ms−1]
- 515 Hz
- 375 Hz
- 520 Hz
- 450 Hz
- 1.5 m/s
- 3 m/s
- 4.5 m/s
- 6 m/s
- 12 ms−1
- 1 ms−1
- 14 ms−1
- 18 ms−1
Figure (16-E111)shows a person standing somehere in between two identical tuning forks, each vibrating at
512 Hz. If both the tuning forks move towards right at a speed of 5.5 m s^{-1}, find the number of beats heard by the listener. Speed of sound in air =330ms−1.
- A plot below represents schematically the variation of beat frequency with time
- The rate of change in beat frequency is maximum when the car passes through Q
- νP+νR=2νQ
- The plot below represents schematically the variation of beat frequency with time
- 35%
- 30%
- 25%
- 20%
- 450 Hz
- 400 Hz
- 425 Hz
- 500 Hz
A traffic policeman sounds a whistle to stop a car-driver approaching towards him. The car-driver does not stop and takes the plea in court that because of the Doppler shift, the frequency of the whistle reaching him might have gone beyond the audible limit of 20 kHz and he did not hear it. Experiments showed that the whistle emits a sound with frequency close to 16 kHz. Assuming that the claim of the driver is true, how fast was he driving the car ? Take the speed of sound in air to be 330ms−1. Is this speed practical with today's technology ?
- 500 Hz, 0.7 m
- 500 Hz, 0.68 m
- 486 Hz, 0.7 m
- 515 Hz, 0.68 m
[Assume, medium is stationary ]
- 1819
- 12
- 2
- 1918
Two identical tuning forks vibrating at the same frequency 256 Hz are kept fixed at some distance apart. A listener runs between the forks at a speed of 3.0 m/s so that he approaches one tuning fork while receding from the other (figure). Find the beat frequency observed by the listener. Speed of sound in air = 332 m/s.
A bullet passes past a person at a speed of 220 m/s. Find the fractional change in the frequency of the whistling sound heard by the person as the bullet crosses the person. Speed of sound in air =330 m/s.
- 8 kHz
- 10 kHz
- 2 kHz
- 14 kHz
[Assume, medium is stationary]
- 54
- 1516
- 1615
- 45

[velocity of sound in air is 340 m/s]
- 450 Hz
- 460 Hz
- 456 Hz
- 465 Hz
A traffic policeman standing on a road sounds a whistle emitting the main frequency of 2.00 kHz. What could be the appparent frequency heard by a scooter-driver approaching the policeman at a speed of 36.0 km/h ? Speed of sound in air = 340 m/s.
- fr+fa2
- fr−fa2
- √fafr
- 2frfafr+fa
An observer moves towards a stationary source of sound, with a velocity of the velocity of sound. What is the increase in the apparent frequency?
[(Velocity of sound in air =330 m/s and assume medium is stationary]
- 91 Hz−111 Hz
- 908 Hz−1112 Hz
- 82 Hz−110 Hz
- 820 Hz−1080 Hz
A person riding a car moving at 72 km/h sounds a whistle emitting a wave of frequency 1250 Hz. What frequency will be heard by another person standing an the road (a) in front of the car (b) behind the car ? Speed of sound in air = 340 m/s.
- 54 km/hr
- 36 km/hr
- 18 km/hr
- 24 km/hr

The variation of f with v0 is given correctly by:
- graph A with slope = f0(v+vs)
- graph A with slope = f0(v−vs)
- graph B with slope = f0(v−vs)
- graph B with slope = f0(v+vs)
- C+uf
- C(C+u)(C−u)f
- C−uf
- Cf