Applying NLM along 3 Axis
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- Zero
Suppose the acceleration due to gravity at a place is 10 m/s2. Find its value in cm/(minute)2.
Two forces F1 = (7i + 2j) N and F2 = (-5i + 3j) N act on a particle. The third force F3 that should act on the particle to make it move with constant velocity is a) (2i + 5j) N b) (-2i – 5j) N c) (–2i + 5j) N d) (2i – 5j) N
A boy of mass is standing on a piece of wood with having a mass of . The coefficient of friction between the wood and the floor is . What is the maximum force that the boy can exert on the rope so that the piece of wood does not move from its place? (Round off to the Nearest Integer)
Does the length of the spring affect the spring constant?
A man weighs 80 kg. He stands on a weighing scale in a lift which is moving upwards with a uniform acceleration of 5m/s2. What would be the reading on the scale. (g=10m/s2)
1200 N
400 N
800 N

- Qε0sinα
A body of mass 40 gm is moving with a constant velocity of 2 cm/sec on a horizontal frictionless table. The force on the table is
39200 dyne
160 dyne
80 dyne
Zero dyne

(i) m as system, along Y′
(ii) M as system, along Y′
(iii) (M+m) as system, along X
(iv) (M+m) as system, along Y
which of the following statement/statements is correct?
- (iii) only
- (iii) and (iv) only
- (i) and (ii) only
- (i) only
Name the type of lever the hammer belongs to in case of driving a nail with a hammer.
A machine gun fires bullets per second into a target. Each bullet weighs and has a speed of . Calculate the force required to hold the gun in position?

- Zero
- 2.5 N
- 5 N
- 10 N
A man is standing on a weighing machine placed in a lift, when stationary, his weight is recorded as 40 kg. If the lift is accelerated upwards with an acceleration of 2m/s2, then the weight recorded in the machine will be (g=10m/s2)
32 kg
40 kg
42 kg
48 kg
In a tug of war, two opposite teams are pulling the rope with an equal and opposite force of at each and of the rope, so that condition of equilibrium exists. What is the tension in the rope?
(assume g=10 m/sec2)

A boy of mass 50 kg is standing on a weighing machine placed on the floor of a lift. The machine reads his weight in newton. What is the reading of the machine when the lift is stationary? Take g=9.8 ms−2
500 N
50 N
490 N
If the moon attracts the earth, why does the earth not move towards the moon?
- (1−1μ1)h1+(1−1μ2)h2
- (1+1μ1)h1−(1+1μ2)h2
- (1−1μ1)h2+(1−1μ2)h1
- (1+1μ1)h2−(1+1μ2)h1

- zero
- tDd
- tD2d
- 2tDd
(Length of the rope is 10 m and g=10 m/s2).
- 1 s
- 3 s
- 4 s
- 2 s
The force exerted by the floor of an elevator on the foot of a person is ______ the weight of the person if the elevator is going up and speeding up.
Why are the long jump athletes made to jump in sand pits? Explain

- changes from real to virtual when it is at a distance R from the surface
- changes from virtual to real when it is at a distance R from the surface
- changes from real to virtual when it is at a distance 2R/3 from the surface
- changes from virtual to real when it is at a distance 2R/3 from the surface.
- √32g m/s2
- 2√3g m/s2
- g√3 m/s2
- g√3 m/s2
What is not an example of Newtons third law?
Rowing a boat in a pond
Lowering your hands while catching the ball
Firing a bullet from a gun
In the previous problem, suppose m2=2.0kg and m3=3.0kg. What should be the mass m so that it remains at rest ?
- A real image at 8 cm
- A virtual image at 8 cm
- A real image at 4.8 cm
- A virtual image at 4.8 cm