Chain Reaction of Uranium
Trending Questions
Why is a cadmium rod used as an absorbing material to control the reaction rate of neutrons in a nuclear reactor?
Which radioactive radiations have the least penetrating power?
What is the value of the speed of gamma radiations in air or vacuum?
- x=n, y=n, KSr=129MeV, K_{Xe} = 86 MeV$
- x=p, y=e−, KSr=129MeV, K_{Xe} = 86 MeV$
- x=p, y=n, KSr=129MeV, K_{Xe} = 86 MeV$
- x=n, y=n, KSr=86MeV, K_{Xe} = 129 MeV$
In nuclear reactions, we have the conservation of
Mass only
Energy only
Momentum only
Mass, energy and momentum
- 4.5×1018
- 8.9×1023
- 8.4×1019
- 7.8×1018
Name the radiation which is responsible for the maximum biological damage.
- A=28, Z=13
- A=14, Z=2
- A=36, Z=16
- A=14, Z=8
How dangerous is Gamma Radiation?
What are the 3 types of radiation?
- Mass and energy are not related.
- Mass is another form of energy.
- Mass is not a form of energy.
- Mass and energy are conserved separately in a reaction.
Which is the most ionising radiation?
A mixture of radioactive substances gives off three types of radiations. Name the radiation which travels with the speed of light.
The most penetrating component of radioactive radiation are the ___________ rays.
- Neutrons which are in the nucleus
- Neutrons from the sun
- Prompt neutrons
- Slow neutrons
Atom bomb is based on the property of fission.
- True
- False
- Reduced
- Compressor
- Moderator
- None of these
- 3.125 x 1012
- 3.125 x 1016
- 3.125 x 1010
- 3.125 x 108
- U-238 is the most abundant isotope of Uranium
- U-238 is more stable than the U-235
- U-236 is not found in nature due to high instability
- U-235 is majorly used as the nuclear fuel
- 1.2×10−5 gm/s
- 1.2×10−11 gm/s
- 1.2×10−9 gm/s
- 1.2×10−7 gm/s
What amount of energy is released in the fission of ?
- 48600
- 16200
- 24200
- None of these
- 0
- 2
- 3
- 1
- sort of heat radiations
- in thermal equilibrium
- capable of generating heat
- having energies similar to nuclei in thermal motion
- r>1
- 1>r
- r2 = 1
- 1>r2
- 82Pb208
- 92U235
- 92U238
- Both (B) and (C)