Trending Questions
- 2 Mg
- Mg2
- Mg
- 32Mg
- 3.3
- 6.4
- 7.2
- 12.8
(Take density of water as 1000 kg/m3)
- 900 kg/m3
- 400 kg/m3
- 1250 kg/m3
- 800 kg/m3
- 100 kg
- 80 kg
- 20 kg
- 40 kg
- 8 cm
- 10 cm
- 12 cm
- 6 cm
- 8
- 4
- 3
- 1
- 20%
- 35%
- 10%
- 25%
A ferry boat has internal volume 1 m3 and weight 50 kg.
(a) Neglecting the thickness of the wood, find the fraction of the volume of the boat immersed in water.
(b) If a leak develops in the bottom and water starts coming in, what fraction of the boat's volume will be filled with water before water starts coming in from the sides ?
- √Vg(ρ1−ρ2)k
- Vgρ1k
- √Vgρ1k
- Vg(ρ1−ρ2)k
What will be the fraction of volume of a floating object of volume V and density d above the surface of a liquid of density D?
- 0.92 m
- 0.94 m
- 0.96 m
- 0.98 m
- ρ2ρ1
- ρ−ρ2ρ1−ρ2
- ρ−ρ1ρ2−ρ1
- ρρ2
- (ρσ+1)
- (ρσ−1)
- ρσ
- σρ
An object of weight W and density ρ is dipped in a fluid of density ρ1. Its apparent weight will be
- 1:3
- 1:4
- 2:3
- 3:4

- 3.5×103 kg/m3
- 1.5×103 kg/m3
- 4×103 kg/m3
- 2×103 kg/m3
- (σσ−1)1/3
- (σ−1σ)1/3
- (σ+1σ−1)1/3
- (σ−1σ+1)1/3

- 2:1
- 3:1
- 1:2
- 1:1
- (1200)13 m
- (1150)13 m
- (1100)13 m
- (1250)13 m
- d1<34d
- d2>d1
- d4>d1
- d<d1
- rise
- fall
- changes according to the density of block
- remain constant

- ρ1>ρ2>ρ3
- ρ3<ρ1<ρ2
- ρ1<ρ3<ρ2
- ρ1>ρ3>ρ2
A piece of stone displaces 25 ml of water. Its volume is……
A wooden cube of side 10 cm and specific gravity 0.8 floats in water with its upper surface horizontal. What depth of the cube remains immersed? what mass of aluminum of specific gravity 2.7 must be attached to
(i)The upper surface
(ii) The lower surface so that the cube will be just immersed
- Zero
- Equal to the weight of the liquid displaced
- Equal to the weight of the body in air.
- Equal to the weight of the immerssed portion of the body
Solve the previous problem if the lead piece is fastened on the top surface of the block and the block is to float with its upper surface just dipping into water.
- 90103
- 13103
- 10103
- 1103
- 750
- 800
- 1000
- 1250
- 8 cm
- 10 cm
- 6 cm
- 12 cm