Frequency to Angular Frequency
Trending Questions
- 0.62 J
- 6.2×10−3 J
- 1.2×103 J
- 6.2×103 J

- 10 cm
- any value less than 12 cm
- 4 cm
- 8 cm
A transverse wave propagating on a stretched string of linear density is represented by the equation, , where, is in meter and is in second. The tension in the string (in newton) is

- π2 Hz
- √π Hz
- 10√π Hz
- π Hz

- The period of oscillation of the system is 2π√3√3lg
- The period of oscillation of the system is 2π√3lg
- The period of oscillation of the system is independent of M.
- If the distance between the suspension points was kept constant and the lengths of the strings were quadrupled, then the period of the system will double.
- 2 πω = f
- ω = 2 πf

- Amplitude of the motion becomes 5 cm
- The oscillation frequency becomes 52π Hz
- Amplitude of the motion becomes 10 cm
- The oscillation frequency becomes 5π Hz
- ω = 2 πf
- 2 πω = f

- 10 kg stone at a height of 20 m
- 100 kg stone at a height of 2 m
- 40 kg stone at a height of 5 m
- 30 kg stone at a height of 7 m
- 0.7 m
- 1.7 m
- 2.7 m
- 3.7 m

A block of mass m=2 kg is placed on an inclined smooth surface of inclination θ=60∘. One end of a massless spring of relaxed length 50 cm and spring constant k is fixed on top of a plane. A block is attached with another end of spring extends by 2.5 cm. The mass is displaced slightly and released, the time period of resulting oscillation will be,
- 1.17 sec
- 0.17 sec
- 0.34 sec
- 1.54 sec
Inside a physics lab: (vibrating tuning fork does SHM)
Teacher: this experiment is about finding the frequency of oscillation of different tuning forks.
You hit it against something and take it close to this device [pointing at the device] which measures the frequency. The oscillation of a tuning fork is simple harmonic.
Student X hits a thick tuning fork lightly and finds out its frequency as f. student x then hits a thin one lightly and finds its frequency to be f'. student x thinks if he hit the thick one hard enough its frequency might come out to be f'. The student tries this.
He/she finds out that this is possible
The frequencies never become same
The frequency does become equal/or close on hitting a bit more harder
He/she finds out that it is not possible.
- 0.77
- 0.17
- 0.57
- 0.37
- 30
- 25
- 21
- 26
- √2ν
- √3ν
- √5ν
- √6ν
- Due important is given for the measurement of quantities
- Physics interacts with almost all the sciences
- It involves philosophy
- Physics is related more closely to mathematics than any other science
- 12 kg
- 10 kg
- 14 kg
- 15 kg
- plants
- humans
- nature and natural phenomena
- birds and animals
(a) The amplitude and time period of motion of the block
(b) The kinetic energy of the block at mean position
(c) The energy stored in the spring when the block passes through the mean position.

- 15.01 s
- 17.32 s
- 0.034 s
- 34.65 s
- True
- False
A horizontal spring is connected to a mass M. It executes simple harmonic motion. When the mass M passes through its mean position, an object of mass m is put on it and the two move together. The ratio of frequencies before and after will be-
- (1+mM)1/2
- (1+mM)
- (MM+m)1/2
- (MM+m)

- 250 W
- 500 W
- 750 W
- 1000 W
- ω = 2 πf
- 2 πω = f

- 839.5 Hz
- 829.5 Hz
- 800 Hz
- 843.5 Hz