Intro to Relative Projectile
Trending Questions
- R=4√H1H2
- R=4(H1−H2)
- R=4(H1+H2)
- R=H21H22
- A vertical straight line
- A straight line making a constant angle (≠90∘) with the horizontal
- A hyperbola
- A parabola
A particle is projected with an initial speed u form a point at height h above the horizontal plane as shown is the fig. Find the maximum range on the horizontal plane
A particle is projected vertically upwards from O with velocity v and a second particle is projected at the same instant from P (at a height h above O) with velocity v at an angle of projection θ. The time when the distance between them is minimum is
In the above problem, given that M2=2M1 and M2 moves vertically downwards with acceleration a. If the position of the masses are reversed the acceleration of M2 down the inclined plane will be
A particle is projected from point A on the ground at an angle θ with horizontal. Another particle is projected from point B simultaneously from height 4H above point A with same velocity. A and B are in the same vertical plane, where H is the maximum height attained by the particle A. Both the particles collide at the same time on the ground. Find the angle at which particle B is projected with horizontal:
θ upwards
θ downwards
2θ upwards
A projectile has a range R and time of flight T. If the range is doubled by increasing the speed of projection, without changing the angle of projection, the time of flight will become
√2 T
2 T
- R=4√H1H2
- R=4(H1−H2)
- R=4(H1+H2)
- R=H21H22
- t3=√t1t2
- t3=t1+t22
- 2t3=1t1+1t2
- t3=√t21+t22
- 60o
- 30o
- 90o
- 45o
- 15∘
- 30∘
- 60∘
- Data insufficient
- 8
- 14.47
- 6
- 7
Two projectiles are thrown simultaneously in the same plane from the same point. If their velocities are v1 and v2 at angles θ1 and θ2 respectively from the horizontal, then answer the following questions: If v1 = v2 and θ1>θ2, then choose the incorrect statement
Particle 2 moves under the particle 1
The slope of the trajectory of particle 2 with respect to 1 is always positive
Both the particles will have the same range if
none of these

Two particle A and B are moving with uniform velocity as shown in the figure given below at t =0.
I. Will the two particle collide
II. Find out shortest distance between two particles
Two particle A and B are moving with uniform velocity as shown in the figure given below at t =0.
I. Will the two particle collide
II. Find out shortest distance between two particles
ईमारत की छत से उचित जलनिकासी के लिए, पाइपों का उपयोग किया जाता है। चित्र में इनमें से एक पाईप दर्शाया गया है। ईमारत की ऊँचाई 20 m है। जल, पाइप के अग्र भाग से 8 m की क्षैतिज दूरी पर धरातल से टकराता है। जैसे ही जल पाइप से निकलता है, इसकी चाल है (g = 10 m/s2)

- 8 m/s
- 4 m/s
- 2 m/s
- 1.5 m/s
- the value of acceleration due to gravity
- angle of projection
- angle of inclination of the plane
- all the above
A particle is projected vertically upwards from O with velocity v and a second particle is projected at the same instant from P (at a height h above O) with velocity v at an angle of projection θ. The time when the distance between them is minimum is
h2v sinθ
h2v cosθ
- 3s
- 2s
- 1.5s
- 1s
- 90
- 180
- 60
- 75
- 2h
- R28h
- 2R+h28R
- 2h+R28h
- tan−1(√3)
- tan−1(4)
- tan−1(3)
- tan−1(2)
Two projectiles are thrown simultaneously in the same plane from the same point. If their velocities are v1 and v2 at angles θ1 and θ2 respectively from the horizontal, then answer the following questions: If v1 = v2 and θ1>θ2, then choose the incorrect statement
Particle 2 moves under the particle 1
The slope of the trajectory of particle 2 with respect to 1 is always positive
Both the particles will have the same range if θ1 > 45∘ and θ2 < 45∘ and θ1 + θ2 = 90∘
none of these

(S.T of water =75dyne/cm, g=1000cm/s2)
- 100 cm
- 75 cm
- 50 cm
- 30 cm

- The launch speed is greatest for particle C
- The vertical velocity component for particle C is greater than that for the other particles
- The time of flight is the same for the three
- Y-coordinate of all particle is always same