Uses of Eddy Current
Trending Questions
Ac and dc both can be measured by:
A moving coil galvanometer works on the principle that at equilibrium, the restoring torque and the torque experienced by the coil would be equal and based on that we calculate the deflection.But, at equilibrium shouldn't the angle be zer?
Which of the following is not an application of eddy currents?
Induction furnace
Galvanometer damping
Speedometer of automobiles
X-ray crystallography
Define eddy current?
- Induction furnace
- Magnetic breaking in train
- Electromagnet
- Electric heater
- electromagnetic damping
- speedometer of vehicles
- induction furnace
- diffraction of X-rays
The pointer of a dead-beat galvanometer gives a steady deflection because [MP PMT 1994]
Its frame is made of abonite
Its pointer is very light
Eddy currents are produced in the conducting frame over which the coil is wound
Its magnet is very strong
This section contains 1 Assertion-Reason type question, which has 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
इस खण्ड में 1 कथन-कारण प्रकार का प्रश्न है, जिसमें 4 विकल्प (a), (b), (c) तथा (d) दिये गये हैं, जिनमें से केवल एक सही है।
A : जब एक चल कुण्डली गैल्वेनोमीटर की कुण्डली के अन्दर एक लौह-चुम्बकीय पदार्थ को प्रवेशित किया जाता है, तब गैल्वेनोमीटर की धारा तथा वोल्टता सुग्राहिता दोनों घटती हैं।
R : Current sensitivity and voltage sensitivity are directly proportional to the magnetic induction in the coil.
R : धारा सुग्राहिता तथा वोल्टता सुग्राहिता दोनों, कुण्डली में चुम्बकीय प्रेरण के समानुपाती होती हैं।
- Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(A) तथा (R) दोनों सही हैं तथा (R), (A) का सही स्पष्टीकरण है - Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(A) तथा (R) दोनों सही हैं लेकिन (R), (A) का सही स्पष्टीकरण नहीं है - (A) is true but (R) is false
(A) सही है लेकिन (R) गलत है - (A) is false but (R) is true
(A) गलत है लेकिन (R) सही है
- They are capable of being magnetised very strongly by a magnetic field
- They retain a considerable amount of their magnetisation on removal of the applied field
- They lose their ferromagnetism and become paramagnetic when the temperature is raised above a certain temperature.
- The linear relation between magnetic field induction →B and intensity of magnetisation −→M does not exist.
When Wheatstone bridge is in balance condition, the current through galvanometer will be
Depends upon the type of galvanometer.
- Steady current
- Eddy current
- Pulsating current
- Alternating current
In the dead beat galvanometer, the coil is wound on a frame made of:
magnetic material
bad conductor
non magnetic material
good conductor
- Induction furnace
- Magnetic breaking in train
- Electromagnet
- Electric heater
- Eddy current
- Fleming's current
- Faraday's current
- None of the above
- the number of turns in the galvanometer coil remains constant
- induced current is produced in the coil
- the coil behaves like a magnet
- none of the above
- heating effect of current
- peltier effect of current
- magnetic effect of current
- chemical effect of current
- Induction heater
- Conductivity meters for non-magnetic metals
- Skin effect
- Coating Thickness Measurements
- small variations are observed in the galvanometer for applied 50 Hz voltage
- deflections in the galvanometer can be observed for applied voltage of 1 Hz to 2 Hz.
- constant deflection will be observed in the galvanometer for 50 Hz supply voltage
- no deflection in the galvanometer will be observed
- induction of electrical charge on the plate
- development of air current when the plate is placed
- electromagnetic induction in the aluminium plate giving rise to electromagnetic damping
- shielding of magnetic lines of force as aluminium is a paramagnetic material
- Moving coil galvanometer
- Electric brakes
- Induction motor
- Dynamo
The pointer of a dead-beat galvanometer gives a steady deflection because [MP PMT 1994]
Eddy currents are produced in the conducting frame over which the coil is wound
Its magnet is very strong
Its pointer is very light
Its frame is made of abonite