2D Motion as Two 1D Motions
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- 40√3 m/s
- 20 m/s
- 20√3 m/s
- 10 m/s
A particle has initial velocity as ux i + uyj and acceleration as -ay. Find displacement in x when the displacement in Y becomes 0?
none of these
The coordinates of a particle moving in a plane are given by x(t) = a cos(pt) and y(t) = a sin (pt)
where a, and p are positive contants of appropriate dimensions. Then,
the equation of trajectory is x2+y2=a2
the velocity and acceleration of the particle are normal to each other
the acceleration of the particle is always directed towards the center
the distance travelled by the particle in time interval (t=0 to t=π2ρ) is "a”.
For this situation select correct statement(s).

- All of them reach the ground at same time.
- All of them have same horizontal displacement when they reach the ground.
- All of them reach the ground with same speed.
- None
इस खण्ड में 1 मैट्रिक्स मिलान प्रकार का प्रश्न है, जिसमें 2 कॉलम (कॉलम I तथा कॉलम II) हैं। कॉलम I में चार प्रविष्टियाँ (A), (B), (C) तथा (D) हैं, कॉलम II में चार प्रविष्टियाँ (P), (Q), (R) तथा (S) हैं। कॉलम I में दी गयी प्रविष्टियों का मिलान कॉलम II में दी गयी प्रविष्टियों के साथ कीजिए। कॉलम I में दी गयी प्रत्येक प्रविष्टि का मिलान कॉलम II में दी गयी एक या अधिक प्रविष्टियों के साथ हो सकता है।
Dimensions of physical quantity mentioned in Column-I are given in Column-II. Match the Columns and choose the appropriate answer.
कॉलम-I में प्रदर्शित भौतिक राशि की विमाऐं कॉलम-II में दी गई हैं। कॉलमों का मिलान करें और सही उत्तर चुनें
Column I कॉलम I |
Column II कॉलम II |
(A) | Pressure दाब |
(P) | [M0L1T–1] |
(B) | Gravitational constant गुरुत्वीय नियतांक |
(Q) | [M1L–1T–2] |
(C) | Strain विकृति |
(R) | [M–1L3T–2] |
(D) | Velocity वेग |
(S) | [M0L0T0] |
- A-Q, B-R, C-S, D-P
- A-PQ, B-RS, C-S, D-P
- A-PQ, B-R, C-RS, D-PQ
- A-QR, B-RS, C-S, D-PQ
For this situation select correct statement(s).

- All of them reach the ground at same time.
- All of them have same horizontal displacement when they reach the ground.
- All of them reach the ground with same speed.
- None
- always dependent on the motion along the y-axis.
- sometimes dependent on the motion along the y-axis.
- always independent of the motion along the y-axis.
- none of these.
A particle has initial velocity as ux i + uyj and acceleration as -ay. Find the maximum Y that it reaches?
none of these
- y=ba2x2
- y2=ba2x
- y=a2bx2
- none of these
- u2g
- u2g(sinα−cosα)
- u2g(2cosα−sinα)
- u2g(2sinα−cosα)
A particle has initial velocity as ux i + uyj and acceleration as -ay. Find the maximum Y that it reaches?
none of these
- 30∘
- 45∘
- 50.2∘
- 60∘