A germplasm collection is the collection of plants or seeds carrying a total of all possible diverse alleles of all the genes present in a particular crop.
Germplasm collection provides plant breeders with the whole range of possible genetic variabilities of a crop plant. The available germplasm is screened for desirable traits that are to be incorporated into the new variety.
The plants having the desirable traits are chosen as parents which are then artificially cross-pollinated to obtain hybrid progeny. The seeds of only those plants in the progeny, which show the desired superior characteristics of both the parents, are selected and multiplied further. Such plants are finally released into the market if they satisfy the quality control parameters.
Genome refers to the complete set of genetic information of an organism.
A genomic DNA library, on the other hand, is a collection of the DNA fragments which altogether represent the entire genome of an organism.
A herbarium is a collection of well-pressed, dried and preserved plants that are mounted on special sheets, properly labelled and systematically arranged for reference. It aids in taxonomic studies.