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A few statements are given below followed by a set of terms in a box. Pick the correct term and write it against the appropriate statement
a. Mating of closely related individuals within the same breed
b. Mating of animals of same breed but having no common ancestors on either side for 4-6 generations
c. Mating of animals of two different species
d. Breeding of animals belonging to different breeds.
(i) Cross breeding, (ii) Inter-specific hybridization, (iii) Out breeding, (iv) Out crossing, (v) Inbreeding

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a. Inbreeding :

Inbreeding refers to the mating between the closely related organisms for 4-6 generations within the same breed.

Final answer:

Mating of closely related individuals within the same breed - (v) Inbreeding.

b. Outcrossing:
Outcrossing refers to the mating of organisms belonging to the same breed but having no common ancestors for 4 to 6 generations.

Final answer:

Mating of animals of the same breed but having no common ancestors on either side for 4-6 generations - (iv) Outcrossing

c. Interspecific hybridization:

Interspecific hybridization refers to the mating of organisms from different but related species to produce hybrid offspring with desirable traits. The offspring produced are sterile, e.g, the mule is a sterile hybrid produced by interspecific hybridisation between horse and donkey.

Final answer :

c. Mating of animals of two different species -(ii) Interspecific hybridization

d. Crossbreeding:

Crossbreeding refers to the mating of individuals of two different breeds. The superior male of one breed is mated with the superior female of the other breed to produce hybrid offspring with desirable traits, e.g, Hisardale is a breed developed in Punjab by crossing Bikaneri ewes with Marino rams.

Final answer:

d. Breeding of animals belonging to different breeds- i. Crossbreeding

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