A person cannot see the instant objects clearly (though he can see the nearby objects clearly). He is suffering from the defect of vision is called:
(a) hypermetropia
(b) myopia
(c) night blindness
(d) cataract
Man A has a defect of vision due to which he cannot see the nearby objects clearly (through he can see the distant objects clearly). On the other hand, man B has a defect of vision due to which he cannot see the distant objects clearly (though he can see the nearby objects clearly). The defect in man A can be corrected by using spectacles containing lenses C whereas the defect in man B can be corrected by using spectacles containing lenses D. (a) Name the defect of vision in man (i) A and (ii) B. (b) What type of lenses are (i) C and (ii) D?
A person who can see nearby objects clearly, but cannot see distant objects distinctly is said to be suffering from