(a) Differences between lyophilic and lyophobic colloids.
Lyophilic colloids | Lyophobic colloids |
Affinity between disperse phase and dispersion medium is little.
| Affinity between disperse phase and dispersion medium is strong.
These are irreversible colloids.
| These are reversible colloids.
(b) The enzymes present in yeast are:
Sucrase (invertase), zymase, maltase (glucase), lactase, hexosephosphatase, reductase, carboxylase, melibiase, and endo-tryptase, proteolytic enzymes.
Zymase catalyzes the fermentation of glucose or fructose into ethanol and carbon dioxide.
C6H12O6(glucose or fructose)zymase−−−−→2C2H5OH(ethanol)+2CO2↑Invertase catalyzes the fermentation of sucrose into glucose and fructose
C12H22O11+H2Oinvertase−−−−−→C6H12O6(glucose)+C6H12O6(Fructose)(c) The labeled diagram of Bredig's Arc method is as shown. This method is used to prepare colloidal solution of noble metals such as Au and Ag.