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According to fluid mosaic model, cell membranes are semi-fluid, where lipids and integral proteins are diffuse randomly. In recent years, this model has been modified. In this regard, which of the following statements is incorrect?

Proteins can travel within the lipid bilayer
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Proteins can remain confined within certain domains of membrane
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Proteins can also undergo flip-flop movements in lipid bilayer
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Many proteins remain completely embedded within liquid bilayer
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The correct option is A Proteins can travel within the lipid bilayer
The protoplasm of every living cell is enclosed by a plasma membrane. It holds true for both simple prokaryotic, as well as for the complex eukaryotic cells. This membrane not only serves as a protective covering for the cellular components, but also is a crucial structure for transportation of nutrients and communication between the cells. The fluid mosaic model was proposed in 1972 by the researchers, S.J. Singer and Garth Nicolson. The model explains the structural components of biological membranes. According to it, the cell membrane contains different types of protein and carbohydrate molecules embedded in a phospholipid bilayer. The integral membrane proteins are present within the cell membrane. As per the illustration of the model, almost 70% of the total proteins found in cell membrane are integral ones. Amongst these, there are large protein molecules that extend on both sides of the phospholipid matrix, and collectively, they are known as tunnel proteins. Since the integral proteins are present within the lipid bilayer, their extraction is not possible. Peripheral proteins are located at the periphery of the cellular membrane that are projected slightly on the outer surface of the lipid bilayer. They are attached to the hydrophilic lipid heads by hydrogen bonds or electrostatic bonds. Since they are slightly exposed to the membrane parts of a cell, extraction of these proteins is possible through sophisticated laboratory procedures. This proves that the proteins are embedded and cannot travel within the lipid bilayer.
So the correct option is 'proteins can travel within the lipid bilayer'.


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