Question 2
AIDS can spread from an infected person to another person through
(a) Sharing food
(b) Blood transfusion
(c) Sharing comb
(d) A mosquito bite
HIV infects the blood and multiplies in blood cells only and HIV is present in the blood of the infected person. So, when the infected blood is transfused to a healthy individual, there are chances of the person getting infected by this virus. The transmission also occurs by other means like through shared injection needles, sexual contact, infected mother to child during pregnancy via the placenta, etc. The virus can also be transmitted through contact between broken skin, wounds, or mucous membranes and HIV-infected blood or blood-contaminated body fluids like semen or vaginal fluids.
Activities like sharing food as HIV is not spread through saliva, sharing comb, and mosquito bites (as no vector is known to carry the HIV) do not contribute to the transmission of HIV.
So,the correct option is (b) Blood transfusion