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All reproductive tract infections (RTIs) are STDs, but all STDs are not RTIs. Justify with an example.

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Reproductive tract infections (RTIs):

Reproductive tract infections (RTIs) are the infections caused by bacteria, virus or fungus infecting the reproductive organs.

Examples include genital warts, trichomoniasis etc.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs):

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) refer to the diseases which are transmitted through sexual intercourse.

Examples include AIDS (Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome), chlamydia etc.

All RTIs are STDs:

The pathogens causing RTIs are mainly transmitted through body fluids such as semen or vaginal secretions during sexual intercourse and infect the reproductive organs. Hence, it can be said that all RTIs are sexually transmitted diseases.

All STDs are not RTIs

STDs such as AIDS (Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome) is caused by the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).
HIV can be transmitted through blood, semen or vaginal secretions. Hence, AIDS is categorised under STD.

HIV primarily infects the immune cells such as macrophages and helper T cells, eventually resulting in the decreased immunity. Hence, it is incorrect to categorise AIDS under RTI.

Therefore, it can be said that all STDs are not RTIs because all sexually transmitted diseases do not infect reproductive tracts or organs.

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