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Describe mail services & specialised mail services of the postal department.

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The following are the mail services & specialised mail services of the postal department:

i. Mail services - Following are the mail services offered by a post office:

a. Post card - The message can be written on both the sides of the card; it is the cheapest mode of written communication.

b. Inland letter card - It is same like post card. The message is written on a piece of paper, which can be folded and sealed. This way, confidentiality can be maintained.

c. Envelope - It is a paper packet in which confidential papers like resume and account statements can be packed. This is mainly used for transition of documents safely and securely. Confidentiality is also maintained.

d. Parcel post - This service helps in transferring goods with certain weight and size from one place to another. Goods like clothes and passport can be transferred via parcel post.

e. Telegram - The message is written by the sender and is communicated in the same form to the receiver. In a telegram service, charges are based on the number of words written in a telegram.

f. Telephone - Telephone services were started by post office. It is the best mode for quick communication.

ii. Specialised services - They are similar to mail services, but they offer extra benefits like faster distribution of mails, certainty in the delivery of letters and parcels and compensation in case of loss or damage to mails during transit. The following are some specialised mail services offered by post offices:

a) Under Post Certificate (UPC) - It is the certificate issued to the sender of a letter on payment of a nominal fee. It acts as evidence for the letter posted.

b) Insured post - Under this special service, the sender can get his/her letter or parcel insured. In other words, the sender can protect himself/herself against any damage while the parcel is in transit.

c) Poste restante - When the exact address of the receiver is not known to the sender, the letter is sent as poste restante where the postmaster of the local area takes care of the delivery.

d) Value payable by post (VPP) - This is for the person who makes the payment on the receipt of the article.

e) Registered post - Registered post ensures that the mail registered is properly delivered to the addressee or returned to the sender in case it is not delivered.

f) Speed post - It ensures a speedy delivery of letters or parcels (usually within 24 hours) from one place to another.

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