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Byju's Answer
Standard X
Recessive Traits
Are blue eyes...
Are blue eyes recessive?
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These traits are always expressed when the connected allele is dominant, even if only one copy of the dominant trait exists.
Dominant traits are represented in the upper case letter (T).
Brown eyes trait, A and B blood types.are the examples of dominant traits.
These traits are only expressed when the genotype is homozygous.
Recessive traits are represented in lower case letters (t).
Blue eyes trait and O blood type are examples of recessive traits.
Blue Eyes:
Blue eyes are thought to be recessive in comparison to brown eyes.
This means that if one parent carries the brown eye gene, the child will have brown eyes.
As a result, two blue-eyed parents cannot have a brown-eyed child because they do not have a brown eye gene to pass on.
To have blue eyes, you must have two copies of the blue-eyed gene.
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