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Byju's Answer
Standard X
Types of Cell Division
Are cells gen...
Are cells genetically identical resulting from meiosis?
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It is a kind of cell division of germ cells in an organism that can sexually reproduce by releasing gametes like sperm and ovum.
In Meiosis two rounds of cell division occur in the parent cell to produce 4 daughter cells.
Each daughter cell has half the number of chromosomes as compared to their parents (one copy of each chromosome).
The resulting cells from meiosis are not genetically identical because of the recombination of genes that occurred during prophase 1.
Sex cells in humans are produced by meiosis.
In males, all four child cells are sperms while in females, one child cell is an egg and the other 3 are polar bodies.
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Mitosis usually results in the production of diploid daughter cells with identical genetic complement.
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Types of Cell Division
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