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Boojho had the following parts of a rose plant – a leaf, roots, a branch, a flower, a bud, and pollen grains. Which of them can be used to grow a new rose plant?

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Parts that give rise to new plant:

  1. New plants are produced by a process called plant propagation. Sexual and asexual reproduction are the two sorts.
  2. The combination of the pollen and egg during sexual reproduction uses the DNA from two parents to produce a third, distinct individual. The floral components of a plant are involved in sexual reproduction.
  3. The process of causing a piece of a parent plant to regenerate into a new plant is known as asexual propagation. The offspring is genetically identical to its parent plant. The vegetative elements of a plant, such as stems, roots, or leaves, are used in asexual propagation.
  4. The rose is a flower with both male and female reproductive parts. Roses may be reproduced in two ways: vegetative reproduction and sexual reproduction.
  5. Stem cutting is an asexual reproductive method in plants that may be used to grow roses. Using this method, we can cultivate a large number of rose plants.
  6. The fusion of male and female gametes created by plants is how rose plants reproduce sexually. While the female gametes, or eggs, are created in the flower's ovary, the male gametes(pollen grains) are formed in anthers through a process called microsporogenesis.

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