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Choose the correct alternative among the following with regard to the sample used by Morgan in his monohybrid cross.

Male Drosophila : brown eyes :: female Drosophila : brown eyes
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Male Drosophila : white eyes :: female Drosophila : red eyes
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Male Drosophila : red eyes :: female Drosophila : brown eyes
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Male Drosophila : brown eyes :: female Drosophila : red eyes
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The correct option is B Male Drosophila : white eyes :: female Drosophila : red eyes
Morgan performed his experiments with Drosophila melanogaster( also known as fruit fly). In one of his experiments where crossing was done between a red-eyed female (pureline) and a white-eyed male, he observed that all the F1 offsprings were red-eyed.
Finding the possible genotype of the F1 progenies using Punnett square:-
GametesXw+Xw+Xw+Xw(red eyed female)XwXw+Y(red eyed female)
In the F2 generation obtained after crossing between male and female progenies of F1 generation, Morgan observed the following phenotypic ratio:-
Red eyed offsprings : white eyed offsprings = 3 : 1
Interestingly, half of the male offsprings were white eyed and that none of the female flies were with white eyes.
Red eyed male : Red eyed female : White eyed male = 1 : 2 : 1
This reflected the possibility of presence of the gene responsible for eye color on the X chromosome.The F2 male progeny with white eyes inherited the allele responsible for white eye color from the F1 female (heterozygous for red e ye color). F1 inherited the same from the male in the parental generation. This had the same inheritance pattern as that of the X chromosome.

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