Option A: The word, "If" is a subordinating conjunction which connects dependent and independent clauses. The clause, "they will win" is an independent clause. The clause, "If they practice hard" cannot stand by itself and make good sense. It is a dependent clause. Hence, this is a complex sentence and this option is incorrect.
Option B: The two clauses viz (i) "They must practice hard" and (ii) "they will win", can stand independently and make good sense. They are independent clauses connected using the co-ordinating conjunction-"and". Hence, this is a compound sentence and this answer is incorrect.
Option C: The word, "unless" is a subordinating conjunction which connects dependent and independent clauses. The clause, "they cannot win" is an independent clause. The clause, "Unless they practice hard" cannot stand by itself and make good sense. It is a dependent clause. Hence, this is a complex sentence and this option is incorrect.
Option D: This sentence has only one clause with a single subject ("They") and predicate ("must practice hard"). The words, "to win" is an infinitive, which functions as an adverb. It is not a clause. Hence, this is a simple sentence and this option is correct.