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Define efficiency of labour. Explain four factors that influence the efficiency of labour.

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Efficiency of labour implies the quality and quantity of goods and services which can be produced within a given time and under certain conditions. In other words, productive capacity of a worker is termed as efficiency of labour.
By 'efficiency of labour' means the productive capacity or productivity of labour.
The efficiency of labour depends on the following factors:
(i) Climatic factors: Climatic differences also affect the efficiency of labour. Working under extreme climatic conditions is always more difficult than working in the temperature zones.
(ii) Geographical differences: Locational differences also sometimes play a significant role. A person who has born and brought up in the plains, will find it hard to display much efficiency if he is forced to work at high altitudes hilly areas.
(iii) Mental abilities: Mental abilities are also important. General training helps a worked in assimilating new skills and technical knowledge. Moral qualities also play a role in this connection. A worker is likely to be more efficient, the greater is his sense of discipline, self respect, self-sufficiency, punctuality etc.
(iv) Favourable working conditions: A healthy and conducive work environment increases the level of efficiency. The facilities enjoyed by the worker determine labour efficiency to a significant extent. Employer-employee relations also plays an important part of the work-environment. An employer, therefore, can contribute to labour efficiency by building a cordial relationship with his workers.

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