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Define the following terms and give one example of each:

(1) Commensalism

(2) Parasitism

(3) Camouflage

(4) Mutualism

(5) Interspecific competition

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(1) Commensalism: It is an interaction between two different species, where one is benefitted and other remains unaffected.

e.g. The interaction between Clownfish and sea anemone. The clown fish gets protection from predators which stay away from stinging tentacles of anemone but anemone does not derive any benefit from fish.

(2) Parasitism: It is an interaction between two organisms in which one is benefitted and the other is harmed.

e.g. Cuscuta, a parasite plant that is found growing on hedge plants do not have chlorophyll and thus, derives its nutrition from the host.

(3) Camouflage: It is a strategy adapted by prey species to escape from their predators. Organisms are cryptically coloured so that they can easily mingle in their surroundings and escape their predators. Many species of frogs and insects camouflage in their surroundings and escape their predators.

e.g. chameleon

(4) Mutualism: The interaction between two species in which, both organisms are benefitted to maintain the life process is called mutualism.

e.g. Lichens, fungi helps in absorption of nutrients and water while the algal partner manufactures food.

(5) Interspecific competition: It is the competition among the members of different species for limited natural resources.

e.g. The Abingdon tortoise in Galapagos islands became extinct within a decade after goats were introduced on the Island, apparently due to the greater browsing efficiency of the goats.

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