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Describe the features of extensive agriculture in India.

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Larger farm size:

Farm size in extensive farming is very large, often exceeding 250 hectares. In north-western Europe, this farm size remains lower than 50 hectares but in North American continent it exceeds over 200 hectares.

High intensity of the capital:

This is a highly capital-intensive system. The entire operation is controlled by machines.

The low intensity of labour:

Due to a low density of population and non-lucrative nature of the agricultural system very few people are seriously interested in agriculture. Due to the scarcity of human labour, wages became high, that prevents owners from employing larger labour force.

High per capita Production:

Efforts are always made to maximize per capita production in lieu of per unit land production. Each farmer controls and cultivates extensive farm-land. So per capita production increases significantly.

Emphasis on mono-cropping:

In contrast to intensive farming—where land is culti­vated throughout the year—extensive farming is only limited within a definite span of the year, emphasis is given on producing a single crop, particularly wheat farming.

Commercial approach:

In contrast to intensive farming — where the entire product is consumed by the cultivator himself—extensive farming is highly commercialized. Little is con­sumed by the cultivators themselves. The bulk of the production is sent to the international market for export.

Low production per unit of land:

Due to extensive nature of cropping pattern, produc­tivity per unit area of land remains very low. Only in some parts of north-western Europe is productivity at par with intensive farming. In the rest of the extensive farming region, productiv­ity often goes lower than intensive farming.

The dominance of single cereals:

One particular crop —mainly wheat—dominates the culti­vation. 90% of the extensive farming region concentrates only on one crop production.

Huge surplus:

Almost entire products are sent for export. Only a little is consumed by cultivators themselves.

The dominance of machine:

Due to a dearth of human labour, the entire operation of cultiva­tion is controlled by machines. Unlike intensive farming, the importance of animals is less sig­nificant in extensive farming where machines like tractors, harvesters, winnowers, thrashers are employed in the cultivation process.

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