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Differentiate the following and give examples of each

Innate and acquired immunity

Active and passive immunity

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    (a) Innate and acquired immunity

    Innate Immunity Acquired Immunity
    i. It is non-specific in nature. i. It is specific in nature.
    ii. It is present from birth. ii. It is acquired in response to a specific pathogen.
    iii. It involves different types of barriers. iii. It involves memory of antibody.
    iv. Example: Skin acts like a barrier. iv. Example: Antibody response after vaccination.

    Active and passive immunity

    Active immunity refers to the response in which antibodies are produced in the host body on actual exposure to the living or dead antigens.

    Actual infection or vaccination induce active immunity.

    Passive immunity refers to introduction of ready made antibodies directly into the host body to protect against foreign agents.

    Examples The foetus receives some antibodies from its mother, through the placenta during pregnancy and the infant receives antibodies in the yellowish fluid called colostrum secreted by mother during the initial days of lactation.

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