DNA polymorphism is the basis of
(A) Genetic mapping
(B) Mutation
(C) DNA fingerprinting
(D) Population diversity
Choose the correct option
A. (A), (B), (D)
B. (B), (C), (D)
C. (A), (B), (C)
D. (A), (C), (D)
The correct option is: D
Explanation of the correct option:
Polymorphism in DNA could arise due to any factor altering the DNA sequence's nitrogenous bases. If the change is impairing the individual capacity to survive or reproduce, that polymorphism is not seen in the population but if the mutation in the non-coding part of the DNA is present, then it does not affect the survival or reproductive capacity of the individual. Thus polymorphism in the non-coding part of the genome is seen in the population. Since these are not impairing the reproductive capacity these polymorphisms are inherited and accumulated through generations leading to speciation and evolution. Thus polymorphism serves as a big data pool and forms the basis of genetic mapping, DNA fingerprinting, and population diversity. Mutations are the basis of polymorphism and not the other way around.
Explanation of the incorrect option:
Option B: A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence of an organism. Mutations can result from errors in DNA replication during cell division, exposure to mutagens, or a viral infection.
Final answer: DNA polymorphism is the basis of Genetic mapping, DNA fingerprinting, and Population diversity.