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'DNA replicates semi conservatively'. Prove it with the help of Matthew Meselson and Franklin stall experiment. Draw the linear diagram of the experiment.

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The following experiment suggests that DNA replication is semiconservative.
  • Mattew Meselson and Frankin Stahi (1958) performed following using heavy nitrogen (15N) in E. coli.
  1. They grew E. coli in a medium containing 15NH4Cl as the only nitrogen source for many generations. 15N is the heavy isotope of nitrogen. It was incorporated into newly synthesised DNA as well as other nitrogen-containing compounds. This heavy DNA molecule could be distinguished from the normal DNA by centrifugation in a caesium chloride (CsCl) density gradient. A dense solution of Cscl, on centrifugation, forms density gradient bands of a solution of lower density at the top that increase gradually towards the bottom with the highest density.
  2. Then they transferred the cells into a medium with normal 14NH4Cl and took the sample at various definite time intervals as the cells multiplied, and extracted the DNA that remained as the double-standard helix. The various samples were separated independently on CsCl gradients to measure the densities of DNA.
  3. Thus, the DNA was extracted from the culture after 1st generation i.e. just after 20 minutes had a hybrid or intermediate density. DNA extracted from the culture after another generation i.e. 2nd generation or 40 minutes was composed of equal amounts of this hybrid DNA (N14N15) and of light DNA (N14N14). Increase in the amount of light DNA and decrease in hybrid DNA amount can be possible due to the semiconservative mode of replication.


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