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During the course of evolution why DNA was chosen over RNA as genetic material? Give reasons by first discussing the desired criteria in a molecule that can act as genetic material and in the light of biochemical differences between DNA and RNA.

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Criteria for a molecule to be a genetic material

The following criteria need to be fulfilled for any molecule to be a genetic material:
  • It should be able to generate its copy, that is, it should replicate itself.
  • It should be chemically and structurally stable.
  • It should show a scope of slow changes such as mutations because this helps in generating variations which are important for evolution.
  • It should be able to express itself in the forms of Mendelelian characters.
Reasons for DNA as a better genetic material:
  • DNA contains 2'H in deoxyribose sugar which makes it chemically stable as compared to RNA that contains 2'-OH in ribose sugar which is chemically reactive.
  • Thymine in DNA is less susceptible to tautomerism and mutations as compared to uracil in RNA.
  • RNA shows catalytic properties that are absent in DNA.

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