Examine the figure a. Is this structure present in animal cell or plant cell? b. Can these be passed on to the progeny? How? c. Name the metabolic processes taking place in the places marked (1) and (2).
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Chloroplast :
The structure shown in the diagram is the chloroplast.
Chloroplast is present in plant cells and absent in animal cells.
Transmission of chloroplast :
Yes, chloroplast can be transmitted to progeny. Chloroplasts can divide through binary fission to form new chloroplasts. This new chloroplast can then be transmitted to progeny plant cells.
Stroma :
The part that is labeled as 1 is Stroma. The dark reaction occurs in the stroma of the chloroplast.
Loop of DNA :
The part that is labeled as 2 is a loop of DNA. This is involved in replication of chloroplast.