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Byju's Answer
Standard XII
Explain the m...
Explain the mitosis in detail with the help of diagram.
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Mitotic division is also called somatic division or equational division.
It occurs in two steps- karyokinesis ( nuclear division), cytokinesis (a division of cytoplasm).
Four stages of karyokinesis are:-
1) Prophase:-
Longest phase
Chromatin fibres condense to form elongated chromosomes.
Centrosome divides and daughter centrosome begin to move away from each other.
Chromosomes shorten, centrosomes develop asters and develop spindle fibres.
Nucleolus degenerates and nuclear envelope breaks.
2) Metaphase:-
Chromosomes are shortest and thickest at this stage.
Each chromosome gets attached to 2 spindle fibres from each pole in the region of kinetochores.
The kinetochore fibres contract and bring chromosomes over the equator.
The apparent plate formed is called equatorial or metaphase plate.
3) Anaphase:-
Shortest duration phase.
Anaphase-promoting complex develops.
It degenerates protein binding the 2 chromatids in the region of the centromere.
As a result centromere of each chromosome divides.
Chromosomes move to the poles with centromeres projecting towards the poles and limbs trailing behind.
4) Telophase:-
Stage of reconstitution of nuclei.
Chromosomes uncoil, elongate, lose their stainability and form chromatin fibres.
Nucleolar organisers form nucleoli in one or more pairs of chromosomes.
Nucleoplasm and nuclear membrane appear forming 2 daughter nuclei.
Cytokinesis:- It begins towards the middle of anaphase and completed simultaneously with completion of telophase.
It brings the equitable distribution of cells organelles.
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